Pot holes in Charlbury

Mark Sulik
👍 2

Wed 7 Jun 2023, 20:32

Pot Hole on Thames Street/ Nine Acres junction repaired , Woodstock Road with exposed iron work not ! Why are they not all done as a batch rather than individually 

Mark Sulik
👍 2

Sun 4 Jun 2023, 09:46

Some 3 months later, very large pot holes previously marked up for repairs remain and the paint marking the hole faded - forgotten ???? 

Nancy Whitfield

Fri 16 Mar 2018, 07:11

"A picture is worth a thousand words"

In one of the many Oxford Mail's photos that I posted below, for all residents of Oxfordshire to see, their article on the new Central Oxford Library includes a photo of the OCC leader with a book under his arm. I noticed that this book was chosen, for a reason.

I also quickly realised when I read the late Sir Roger Bannister's 2014 autobiography, called "Twin Tracks", what a truly great man he was.

He has taught us that it is very easy to criticise, plus this achieves very little. His "message" was that each person, in their own small way, can achieve great things, if they endeavour to try to make the world a better place, for all peoples. As he did.

russell robson

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 18:50

Once you start looking at council tax you see it doesn't go a long away really.

Alice Brander

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 14:58

I've just looked at my Council Tax bill - I pay £1,567 p.a. to the County Council. Out of this they take £815 for Adult & Children's Social Care, £219 for Education & Learning and £157 for Highways & Transport. I suppose that might fill a couple of pot holes! I'll just have to drive very, very slowly.

Hannen Beith

Wed 14 Mar 2018, 18:51

Thanks Vicky. Yes, it crossed my mind but I don't have the time. Anyway it's part of what I do for a living - "Cobbler's children go unshod!"

Hans Eriksson

Wed 14 Mar 2018, 16:40

It's just not here.
Went to Bedfordshire. All roads (except A421 east of MK) in shocking state.
Went to Shropshire. All roads in shocking state.
I could go on.

vicky burton

Wed 14 Mar 2018, 10:15

Hannen, I don't think the council can deny all responsibility! Have you thought of taking them to the small claims court?

Hannen Beith

Tue 13 Mar 2018, 17:04

Two problems solved at once!

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Tue 13 Mar 2018, 10:33

Adding recyclable materials to road-building materials (Hannen's post at 12 March) is a real thing:


Obviously there will be many factors which determine whether or not this would work here, such as the type of plastics available, relevant national road-building standards, and likely weather and road use.

Hannen Beith

Tue 13 Mar 2018, 09:19 (last edited on Tue 13 Mar 2018, 17:02)

Good luck Graham. My front n/s tyre was blown out after I went over a large pothole near Leafield nearly a year ago. The tyre was less than a month old. The RAC man said it was the worst he'd ever seen. I reported it on "Fix My Street" and it was filled in fairly quickly. I then lodged a claim with OCC and received a standard letter denying all responsibility. I wonder how many claims OCC receive, and what proportion they pay out? Could be one for a Freedom of Information Act request.

Peter Astbury

Mon 12 Mar 2018, 21:36

i am a coach driver in all parts of the country and i can say the roads are the same every where to start with road tax was to pay for the upkeep of the roads but it now goes some where else

Simon Walker

Mon 12 Mar 2018, 20:35

The bill needs to go to OCC, Graham, not WODC. OCC is responsible for highway maintenance. Check first to find out whether the road defect that caused the damage has actually been reported already - if it has, then OCC has less wiggle-room when they try to evade responsibility.

graham W

Mon 12 Mar 2018, 20:02

Yet another broken front spring broken on my wife's car. I think that I may present the bill to WODC

Hannen Beith

Mon 12 Mar 2018, 18:24

Good idea Charlie. Might as well mix some recycling in whilst they are about it.

Charlie M

Mon 12 Mar 2018, 09:05

Here's an idea. How about a page on the Charlbury website detailing the location of any potholes ...
... and if any builders working in Charlbury have any cement left over at the end of the day, instead of just washing it away, they could go and tip it down a pothole ... at least it would get used for SOMEthing!!

Chris Tatton
👍 1

Mon 12 Mar 2018, 08:16

Travelled to West Wales recently, and the worst road surfaces by far are in Oxfordshire. We pay an enormous amount in Council tax, but our infrastructure continues to decline.

Angus B

Sun 11 Mar 2018, 20:12 (last edited on Sun 11 Mar 2018, 20:13)

Idon't know where you went in Surrey, Ann but I have experience of a lot of roads in that county and would assert that Oxfordshire's roads and infrastructure are way better than Surrey's!
You really don't know how fortunate you are!

Ann Allen
👍 1

Sun 11 Mar 2018, 18:29

This weekend I have driven from Oxforshire, through Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey and it struck me how good the even the minor single track roads in those counties were compared to our Oxforshire roads where we have to continually keep dodging potholes.

Hannen Beith

Sun 11 Mar 2018, 18:17

So here we are. Bus cuts, dangerous roads, very little space to park, no railway to speak of. I don't know about the rest of the country but Oxfordshire's infrastructure is broke. That, in turn, has a severe negative impact on the local economy. I wonder if some clever Charlbury person could put a cash figure on how much revenue is being lost?

Nancy Whitfield

Sun 11 Mar 2018, 12:08

I went on "fix my street" to report the damaged road in the area of Fiveways last year, and couldn't understand what had been actioned by OCC from previous reports, so gave up trying to report it.

Now I see that the Oxford Mail is once again highlighting our "third world" state of the roads. The county has a duty I thought to keep everyone safe, and they have offered no excuses for this very poor state of our roads.
Before they invest another penny on any consultation fees, or on machines, like computers, they first need to consider their duty to keep county road users safe.

I also read in the Oxford Mail about the multi-million pound Westgate redevelopment of Central Library, which includes, free - a 3-D printer, activity room, meeting room,70 computers, self-service machines, and a Raspberry Pi computer, whatever that means?

So where did the money come from, to pay for these machines? It states clearly -
"The project has cost nearly £6m ?" with Oxfordshire County Council providing £3.6m and the Westgate Centre's developers handing over about £2m for the work."

Liz Drake

Thu 22 Feb 2018, 12:40

Thanks Liz - very helpful - my understanding is for HW, its half owned by residents and half owned by Ditchley - we have not I think approached them for any help - I wonder if we should?!

Liz Leffman

Thu 22 Feb 2018, 10:02

If you see potholes then please report them on www.fixmystreet.oxfordshire.gov.uk The one at Fiveways was reported there and has been filled. I am reporting them when I see them but I cannot be everywhere! Of course this is just a tiny sticking plaster over a very deep wound, but it is all that we can do as long as there is no money for roads. At the budget meeting last week we (the LDs) proposed borrowing from reserves to sort out the worst roads as the reason we see potholes appearing and re-appearing everywhere is that the under-lying structure is deteriorating so filling potholes is really a waste of money. The cabinet member for roads did say she would consider doing this which gives us a glimmer of hope.

Liz Drake

Wed 21 Feb 2018, 10:19

We are doing our own community pot hole filling on Hundley Way soon!

Rachel Gallagher

Tue 20 Feb 2018, 22:08

I had a visitor last week who was truly shocked at the pot holes in Charlbury - I guess I just had got used to them..

Jean Adams

Tue 20 Feb 2018, 21:29

Completed this afternoon.

Andrew Frost

Tue 20 Feb 2018, 21:09

How long do we think it will be until somebody has a head on collision trying to miss the crater in the road on the five ways junction. People swerving to miss it driving onto oncoming traffic?!!!!!

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