
glena chadwick

Tue 20 Feb 2018, 21:38

Two more good snowdrop outings ! Taynton and Great Barrington churchyards---not too far and very good for people who can't walk much. Taynton churchyard slopes down to fields and has huge clumps of snowdrops and some aconites. Not so many at Great Barrington but the churchyard on the south side is covered---lovely. Colesbourne was very beautiful last weekend (2 more weekends to go to go)--a longish drive but worth it. One of the greatest snowdrop gardens in England so very busy but plenty of room for parking in a large field and people spread out. A huge area, lovely lake, bellringing and many new varieties of snowdrops. Nearer the house aconites and hellebores--a great afternoon but go for tea and cake early or the cake might run out !

glena chadwick

Thu 15 Feb 2018, 18:41

If you are thinking of going to Sherborne this weekend the snowdrops are lovely. At first there seem to be fewer than other years but if you keep going towards the circular seat there are masses. There is also a beautiful patch of aconites near the house and a few daffodils coming out in the wood. The path from the War Memorial is VERY muddy---boots with a good tread needed. I think I should have taken a stick.

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