50 mph limit on Woodstock road

graham W

Sat 15 Dec 2007, 21:27

I understand the the argument for speed limits, but it seems that wherever you go or do there are signs saying do this / don't do that. Take the example of the Cycle lane signs in and around Yarnton, two signs on both sides of the cycle path, even worse where a track crosses it. This is what gets my goat up, in addition why isn't there a 50mph limit on the road towards Chippy. especially by small business units before Spelsbury, and the other side of the hamlet - and especially the sharp left hand bend on top of the hill (1mile outside). It just seems overkill along Health & safety, I do accept that signs need to put up to warn / instruct etc but a blanket cover on a single road absolutely ludicrous, why not put the signs where there are needed. At the end of the day there will be a number of people (inc locals) that will ignore the signs and may still have an accident, perhaps a physical warning in the way. - just an idea.

Reg James

Sat 15 Dec 2007, 21:05

Sorry about the typos

Reg James

Sat 15 Dec 2007, 21:04

The Oxfordshire County Council decided to do the 50 mph limit in an attempt to reduce the large number of serious accidents which have happenned on a regular basis on this stretch of Woodstock Road. This is a worthwhile aim, and if the accident rate decreases the decision will be vidicated. It is unfortunate that the rules insist on the repeater signs for 50mph and 40 mph, and it is these that I dilike, not the 50 mph limit per se. 50 mph seems an appropriate speed for that road and I would argue that any faster is dangerous with the narrowness of the road, the bends, and the slight adverse camber in places. Particularly after sunset.
Those who are opposed to the 50 mph should talk to the County Councillor Sue Haffenden.

Geoff Belcher

Sat 15 Dec 2007, 19:25

graham it does not matter, nobody seems to keep to the limit, when it was 60mph,people passed me at 70+,now its 50mph people still pass me at 70+ so why moan about fuel consumption?. theres more concern about the signs than keeping to the speed limit.

graham W

Sat 15 Dec 2007, 11:00

In order to achieve the "Government / Manufacturers figures" at 50mph you'll need to increase you speed by 12%, and nornal speed cameras work to a tolerance of 10%

Geoff Belcher

Sat 15 Dec 2007, 10:56

So why is every one against the 50mph limit,exceed it by just a little and you are spot on for good fuel consumption, exceed the 60mph and you are in the higher consumption area!!

graham W

Sat 15 Dec 2007, 09:20

If you look at all government figures and motor manufacturers data relating to fuel consumption in shows that most (if not all) are more efficient at 56mph! hence why HGVs are normally restricted and governed to that speed (UK trucks).

Geoff Belcher

Thu 13 Dec 2007, 08:56

Hi Ruth
Do what every one else seems to be doing, exceed the limit.
I always thought go faster use more fuel, go slower use less,unless you have found some very special car!let us know.

Ruth Holiday

Wed 12 Dec 2007, 22:40

The general consensus I take is that we do not like the 50 miles an hour speed limit on the woodstock road. I personally don't like it either. To say the least, the introduction of the speed restriction reduces fuel consumption of one's car.

Hamish Nichol

Thu 22 Nov 2007, 17:40

I'm thinking there could be a market for camouflage bin liners? Perfect for all the intrusive road signs in AONB.
I appreciate that under the current law in a 50 or 40 limit there has to be repeated speed limit signs at set intervals for it to be an enforceable limit. However, the number of signs is quite ridiculous. Surely people are able to drive according to the road and not the signs beside the road? If the number of signs are going to continue, then how about signs that flash to warn that the road is wet and hence slippy, or signs telling you when it's foggy (bu@%er, they already exist on the motorway!).

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 22 Nov 2007, 15:44

Philip - have you got a reference for that? In the only document I can find, the CPRE call for "a reduction in the national speed limit for the most minor rural roads (C and unclassified roads) from the current 60mph to 40mph".

Derek Collett

Thu 22 Nov 2007, 12:52

Aren't we all overlooking the obvious here? Surely the wrapped roadsigns are simply the latest project by the Bulgarian-born avant garde artist Christo? Having struggled mightily in the past against bureaucratic interference when he unveiled grand plans to wrap bridges, monuments, islands, coastlines, etc. what better way to get himself noticed again than to venture out into rural Oxfordshire under cover of darkness and cloak some street furniture in black plastic rubbish sacks? Cheap, simple and it generates plenty of publicity by setting tongues clacking on the Charlbury Forum! Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

Anna Fairhurst

Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:02

What a shame! I was so hoping they'd changed their minds. I commute on the A361 between Burford and Lechlade, and the same thing's happened with the signs going up, being revealed then being covered up again. Oh well- whatever happens, I'm going to have to do as they say: I've got 6 points already.

John Kearsey

Wed 21 Nov 2007, 13:25

According to the notice attached to the speed limit sign on the Woodstock Road, the new limit comes in to force on Monday 26 November, so expect some activity from the boys in blue after this date!

Philip Ambrose

Tue 20 Nov 2007, 21:46

I was one of those who objected to the proposals when originally published. I know that OCC received my email, but nobody even acknowledged it. Democracy at work??? The limit is ridiculous. The most problematic section is the bends south east of Beevis Farm with the adverse camber and smooth tarmac. Blenheim North Gate to the A44 is unaffected by the order. What a waste of our money! The signs are a blot on the landscape too - the CPRE have only themselves to blame as they've been lobbying for these blanket 50 limits.

Hamish Nichol

Tue 20 Nov 2007, 10:16

Looks more like the recent cover up is a bit of what you might call 'urban terrorism' as the 30 sign into Charlbury was also covered up.
Though as with the previous poster, my cynical side ponders as to whether after spending thousands of pounds putting the signs up somebody in the council has realised that a mistake was made in the paperwork and all the signs have to be changed.

Charlie M

Thu 15 Nov 2007, 22:54

Does anyone know why (nearly) all of the 50mph signs have been covered up again, as I found when returning to Charlbury this evening? Does this mean the authorities now realise that they have made a mistake and that they are going to take them down? A naive thought, maybe, but I hope so ... !!!

J Norris

Mon 5 Nov 2007, 16:13

I agree with David: very odd that the road should be NSL from just before Blenheim gate then 50 limit again when you hit the A44. What was the thinking there?

David Court

Mon 5 Nov 2007, 12:49

Now that the huge number of signs are now there for all to see you finally see the stupidity of it all. If you are going towards Woodstock the 50mph speed limit stops and the road is deregulated just before one of the worst bends at the Blenheim gate.
So there is no speed limit for about 500yards and no bend sign.
As a Chartered civil engineer I despair of the so called engineers in the Highways department. They must have had a job lot of signs!!


Fri 2 Nov 2007, 23:36

I see all of the signs are un covered now.... So when do we start seeing a police speed van on the road somwhere? More should be done to warn people of the dangers of that road... a lovely road to drive and ride but the deer and that along there make it deadly!

Mark Purcell

Sat 15 Sep 2007, 13:23

The CPRE has been campaigning on this issue recently, and there's interesting stuff on their webpages on the profileration of road signs in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 7 Sep 2007, 08:40

There are plenty of bend signs around Britain with a little 'Max speed 30' plate beneath them - that's surely all that was needed on the Woodstock road.

Yet another example of OCC Highways crassly going ahead with a scheme despite the wishes of the local publication (speed bumps, anyone?). Remind me - how many pieces of cycle infrastructure have OCC installed in Charlbury?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 6 Sep 2007, 21:26

And they also cost an arm and a leg - which comes out of your council tax!

Deleted user

Thu 6 Sep 2007, 21:16

Sorry Derek! I have spelt emissions incorrectly.

Deleted user

Thu 6 Sep 2007, 21:10

To reduce the speed limit is surely not only a safety issue but also a green one. Athough I admit the savings on carbon emmissions would be minimal. The main reason must, therefore, be safety. To re-align the camber would seem to encourage speed, although double-white lines may help to keep drivers on their own side of the road. If a speed limit is to be imposed I think it should be for the entire length of this road. To have individual speed limits on the bends would be impractical, because most bends require a speed less than 50mph anyway. Regarding the signs, I would like to see the type that light up as you approach them if you are travelling too fast. These signs can be solar powered and made to blend in into the background and not have to stand out like a sore thumb. It is also impossible to pass them without being reminded you are breaking the limit.

Pippa Nash

Thu 6 Sep 2007, 20:37

Totally agree with you Brian about the white lining and the adverse camber. It seems crazy to reduce the speed limit, if that's what's happening, along the whole stretch, I was hoping the posts were for stolen signs rather than new unsightly ones, which ruin the stretch that enters an AONB.

graham W

Thu 6 Sep 2007, 19:00

Yet more unsightly signs on lovely country road, the speed limit is not the problem here it is the speed that people go around the bends especially the one near Beevis Farm where the camber is wrong, even 50mph you may still go off the road. The camber there needs be be re-aligned and the bends on the way towards Woodstock should have double white lines in the middle, These new signs will as much us as a plaster for a coronary - Bl***y useless.


Thu 6 Sep 2007, 15:53

Are yo sure the empty posts are not just the ones that had there previous signs stolen?

Chris Tatton

Thu 6 Sep 2007, 15:03

That has solved a mystery,I was wondering what all the empty posts were by the side of the road as I drove out to Woodstock last Thursday evening!

John Kearsey

Mon 3 Sep 2007, 15:32

I noticed today that 50mph limit signs will be going up along the Woodstock road from Charlbury to the junction of the A44. I can understand a lower limit on the various bends, but to have a 50mph speed limit along the entire length seems a bit much

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