Phone Coop AGM - Saturday

Mark Luntley

Fri 2 Feb 2018, 09:10 (last edited on Fri 2 Feb 2018, 15:02)

In addition to supporting Southill Solar (as Liz notes) and though it the Community Centre the Phone Coop have also supported (in no particular order) Westmill Windfarm Coop, Westmill Solar Coop and Ethical Property Company - all businesses within Oxfordshire. The actual list is probably much longer - but those are the one's I'm aware of.

One interesting statistic - they are a successful business, but have kept a ratio between highest to lowest paid person of 5:1. The ratio is most public companies would be very different.

Liz Reason

Fri 2 Feb 2018, 08:25

Founded locally to supply national services. 12,000 members, but many more customers - you don't have to be a member to be a customer. Their annual report is a model of provision of the kind of information that tells you what sort of principles the cooperative has been adhering to over the years - reporting not just on their finances, but on their environmental and social impact. It runs a Cooperative and Social Economy Development Fund to assist other coops - from which fund, Southill Community Energy benefited, making the difference between our 'go, no-go' situation at a crucial time.

Mark Luntley

Wed 31 Jan 2018, 16:16

Phone Coop have staff in both Chipping Norton and Manchester, and of course customers around the UK. I think (but an not sure) that their last AGM was in Bristol, the one before that was in Chipping Norton and I went to it. The coming AGM is close to the railway station at Sheffield and they are arranging a video link so people can participate if they can't travel in person.

Alan Wilson

Wed 31 Jan 2018, 14:53

Have I misunderstood something here? A local co-operative based in Chippy is holding its AGM in Sheffield?? It doesn't look like they actually want members to attend....

Mark Luntley

Wed 31 Jan 2018, 14:24 (last edited on Wed 31 Jan 2018, 14:26)

I don't know how many Charlbury people buy their phone or broadband services from our local cooperative based in Chipping Norton - the Phone Coop (we do and have found them to be really good). I've spoken to a couple of people and realise there could be quite a few individuals in our immediate area.

We've had through the AGM papers, you can see them here.

Its looks like it could be an important meeting. Some members asking about the risks and costs from a proposed rapid expansion. If you are a member you might want to consider registering for Saturday's meeting so you can learn more and have your say. The meeting is in Sheffield - but people can register and join the meeting via video link, and then vote on-line in the meeting.

I'm planning to drive to Banbury Saturday morning and take the train - so can offer a couple of Charlbury people a lift to the station (and back of course).

Either way you will need to register on-line in advance. You can do this via this link.

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