Charlbury - New Signs

john h

Thu 22 Dec 2005, 18:40

hows about "abandon hope all ye who enter here"

Nick Owen

Tue 13 Dec 2005, 12:13

How about a poem? Let's have a competition for the best intro to the town.


Fri 28 Oct 2005, 12:48

Fantastic news about the signs,now we shouls see if we can have a speed camera or two, I nearly got run over walking down towards the slade just before ditchley rd by a crazy baseball cap wearing maniac.
Maybe the town council coulf involve itself in this, I also agree that the 30 mph signs should be before the school not after it at the dip.

Geoff Belcher

Wed 19 Oct 2005, 15:49

Great, lets hope the vandels stay away from the new ones.
i think perhaps some of our responsible people encouraged it!!

Katie R

Wed 19 Oct 2005, 09:22

Good news! I emailed West Oxfordshire CC about the dreaded signs yesterday and this was the response I received: "It appears that the signs were ordered by Oxfordshire County Council, but the ones delivered were not to the specification issued by them and agreed by Charlbury Town Council. Apparently, the manufacturer made the signs to the relevant Code of Practice which neither the County nor the Town Council felt were appropriate for this location. The good news is that the County Engineers are aware of the problem, and they have actually instructed the manufacturer to supply new signs to the original specification, and these should be in place (with the old ones removed) in the next few weeks – they have indicated by the 9 November 2005." Hurrah!

john h

Sun 9 Oct 2005, 21:59

looks like you are a chip off the old block!!

john (knew your gran very well!!)

Stuart Moss

Wed 5 Oct 2005, 20:31

I totally agree that the new signs need to be removed and may I suggest taken to Dean tip? Apart from the fact they are ugly and my late Nan (Queenie Moss-nee Shadbolt) would be spinning in her grave, when entering Charlbury from Woodstock at night the sign there blinds you with your own headlights! I think the person who thought that one up must be the worlds only living brain donor! Anyone got an angle grinder to cut them down? On a serious note though,how many dog walkers,cyclists or motorcyclists will have to be killed/injured by the 'blinding by your own headlamps reflecting off the sign' issue before our glorious leaders in the councils decide our comments are worthy of their time and effort?

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 26 Jul 2005, 22:47

The other place that needs one - or a GATSO - is where the Enstone Rd comes into town, with Huntley (or Hundley?) Way just on the bend. Quite a few kids seek to cross over just past this, by the cross roads.

Almost everytime I go over there - often up to 8 times a day - someone comes around that corner at 50mph +. I'm amazed there hasn't been an accident or a fatality (has there?). If we'd realised that layout we might have had second thoughts about moving into The Green given this access to town issue!

The 30mph sign is a good couple of hundred yards back from this bend.

Perhaps we could do a part share with the Police over a GATSO? It would pay for the Community Centre in a couple of months if my personal observations are anything to go by!!

John Kearsey

Mon 25 Jul 2005, 22:28

The speed warning sign is to prevent people speeding in the "dip" of The Slade as far as I know. Another one is due to be put in to slow traffic in the other direction at some point. I don't think you need one to make people slow down for the school as its impossible to drive past at any speed with all the parents parked all over the place!

graham W

Sun 24 Jul 2005, 10:03

In addition the hideous welcome signs, what about the "speed detector" on the Slade, should it be on the other side of the road advising motorist to watch their speed prior to the school!

jacqui court

Fri 22 Jul 2005, 22:37

I have lived in charlbury for most of my life, and as part of the young generation living in charlbury I am all for modernising the way of life, but please these signs are awfull. they are too big for what is said to be an historic market town, and when you approach charlbury from kings wood, you are faced with a small cotswold stone sign, portraying a perfect image for the area we live in......Take them down and spend the money on a sign that will show to the everyone what a gorgeous untouched village we live in.


Tue 19 Jul 2005, 10:50

Totally agree with everthing that has been said about these awful signs, I have lived here for 34 years dont we get a say on these matters bring back the old Charlbury signs. Thank you.

Nick Parker

Mon 18 Jul 2005, 19:52

The new Town signs are absolutely hideous, - totally out of place and they seriously detract from the charm of the town. Each time I come back into Charlbury by car they offend and shock me. Having discussed this with many town-dwellers recently, I have to say that I've yet to meet a single person who supports their installation.
These ugly eyesores MUST be removed and the originals replaced.


Wed 13 Jul 2005, 17:45

I am not one of those who is overly offended by these signs (see my previous post), but in response to the comment by Reg James on 12 July;

"the Charlbury Chamber of Commerce first proposed the signs as a measure which could help what some think is a failing town centre"

I would point out that Pigot and Co's National Commercial Directory of 1830, opens its description of Charlbury (page 262) with these words, "Charlbury, a decayed market-town,......"

I think that it will take more than a couple of road signs to buck the trend of at least 175 years.

Mark Purcell

Tue 12 Jul 2005, 19:24

The new signs are absolutely hideous. It's all part of the gradual suburbanization of Charlbury: bollards, speed humps, yellow lines in Church Lane, signs going up all over the place, usually pointing to nowhere or serving no useful purpose to anyone. We're so lucky to live in such a handsome little town, but this part of a more general problem. The CPRE and English Heritage have both kicked up about it. Look, for example, Broad Street in Oxford, littered with dozens of signs, bins, benches, mostly put up by public bodies. You don't see things like that in Venice or Bruges, and central Oxford should look as good as them.

Our town council ought to be taking this problem a bit more seriously. If they can't see what's wrong, maybe people who can ought to be putting up for electiopn.

Reg James

Tue 12 Jul 2005, 19:13

Further to my previous posting, the Charlbury Chamber of Commerce first proposed the signs as a measure which could help what some think is a failing town centre. The signs were then designed by the County Council and approved in a modified form by the Town Council; nem con as I recall, in November 04.
I'm sure there will be some discussion on the subject at the next meeting on 27th July.


Mon 11 Jul 2005, 15:08

Villages/ Towns.
Seem so cliquie that it's not worth trying to post a comment.
I have tried.
It's very clear that you are are patriotic not community orientated.


Mon 11 Jul 2005, 15:04

Villages / Towns seem so Patriot / clique.
Iwould'nt even want to post a comment.


Mon 11 Jul 2005, 13:48

Like many of you i have seen the attempts to market our part of the world as a tourism area.The signs are some of the worst that i have encountered in any country. Was there any consultation or did the town coucil take a uniltaeral decision to choose them?
Why dont they have a bit of a rethink on them, perhaps a memeber of the selection committee might reply explaining what their thinking was. Pe4rhaps we might write to them asking them to do so? If you tell me who i will do the writing.

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 23:30

Just went past that for the first time this evening, and yes it flashed at me (and my speedo was indicating just a smidge over 30 so it is either very uncalibrated or they aren't leaving any margin on the speed sensor at all).

I don't think it is too well sited. It was my daughter who pointed it out, I'd only been aware of a light going on in the upper left quadrant of my peripheral vision and to see it had to take my eye well off the road line, it felt. I'm not sure that's quite such a good idea. Some tweaking of siting needed, perhaps.


Fri 8 Jul 2005, 21:34

Well, several people seem to intensly dislike the signs. Me? - I don't care. I see them for a couple of seconds as I drive by and then forget them. It seemed a bit pointless putting new signs up and they're larger than is needed. But would I want more money wasted on replacing them/moving them - No!


Mon 4 Jul 2005, 19:28

Have you tried petitioning the Duke.?
Very influential person in planning,(regardles of the majority opinion.)
One hops that he may not want to s''' on his own door step.

Susan Way

Mon 4 Jul 2005, 12:20

Would it be possible to put the petition somewhere more prominent on the website? Then it would be easier to find out what people not browsing the Forum think about the new signs.

kate southey

Thu 30 Jun 2005, 10:53

I think the P and L are now gone too Graham!! It's asking us to 'ease die carefully'!! Nice to see the local youth giving the signs the respect they deserve!

graham W

Wed 29 Jun 2005, 17:35

Has any one seen the sign on the Chippy Road, after being told that there is a place to eat park & P**, the message at bottom edge says :-
Should be an additional bit next to the other messages!!!!!

kate southey

Wed 29 Jun 2005, 16:14

Marginally more Roly? At least it has Blenheim Palace, which is also the birthplace of Winston Churchil!! It is a historic place that people from the USA, Oz and other far flung places have heard of!! Still I LOVED the fact that some bright spark put the word PRE in front of the Historic in Woodstock!! Fabulous!
Reg, 99% of the people passing through Charlbury are local and WELL AWARE that we have facilities, the sign doesn't show them WHERE the facilities are so they may well scoot down the slade and miss them anyway, and of course the small, tasteful brown signs that local businesses asked for directing people to the centre of town and their premises were denied as it was 'signage littering'. WONDERFUL LOGIC!
Richard is totally correct, the petition only got signed by the handful of regular posters here. It got buried as things on web forums do, and Richard I will do a stint collecting signatures at the beer fest, and I'm sure alot of local businesses would hold a petition also, including the Station.
Reg, to add to the signs being insulting, you are now insulting the intelligence of motorists implying that they would drive through somewhere this size with 5 major housing estates and 2 obvious main roads (enstone and slade) and assume they couldn't buy a paper or take a pee???????? COME ON!!! Charlbury isn't some fluke of normality, ALL British towns (see, I said town!!)this size have at least a shop, a pub and a church. Oh and 3 cheers for the person who spent time doctoring the sign on Spelsbury hill, now telling us to 'ease die carefully'!!
Kate x

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 29 Jun 2005, 10:51

There's no problem with the principle of new signs on the entrances to Charlbury. The problem is that these particular ones are very badly designed and show a pretty dismal range of facilities - come to Charlbury, we've got toilets, a car park, and a disabled person. Woo-hoo.

I understand the point about "people approaching Charlbury passing by", but really, who are these people? Charlbury isn't on the way to anywhere, apart from tourist coaches from Burford to Woodstock. They don't stop here and you'd need to have a really weak bladder to need a toilet stop on a 20-mile journey.

If we want to attract passing trade, which is all to the good, there are two places to put brown (not white) signs: at the railway station and on the A44.

As for the petition, I don't think it's a bad turnout given that the only link is buried five postings deep on one forum thread. We could try gathering signatures at the 7.30 train or at the Beer Festival if you'd really like to gauge public opinion...

Richard (personal opinions only, etc.)

Reg James

Wed 29 Jun 2005, 09:23

There is a strong feeling in Charlbury that the town centre facilities, shops, pubs etc are important for the town, but that they need some help so that the centre does not
die completely. That is why, when the signs on the approaches to the town were suggested, I as a councillor, supported them and so did other members of the council. We thought that they would be a benefit to the town. The Town Council added the “Please drive carefully”, which made them larger than they otherwise would have been. They are not anything like motorway signs though, and I really can’t understand how they are an “absolute insult” or “patronising”
So now, people approaching Charlbury instead of passing by without even realising there is a town centre, can be aware that there is a car park and other facilities, that the town deserves a visit and they can eat, drink and pee.
There is always a balance of benefits and dis-benefits, but on balance I believe the decision to put up these signs was a good one.
Potholes are getting fixed, road surfacing is being done, and with luck the traffic calming cushions will soon be replaced.
It is reassuring that such a small number of people have signed the petition.


Tue 28 Jun 2005, 23:43

I seem to be the only one, but to me the signs don't seem THAT bad! Admittedly they're a bit out of place, but they're at least quite modern and I think reasonable modernity and connection with the rest of the world (with it being known for the station and the riverside festival) is one of Chalrbury's great strengths. The 'historic market town' bit is a bit excruciating though ...and I even think that with the Woodstock signs, although Woodstock does seem to have been of marginally more historical import. What I worry with replacing the signs is that money would be spent on something which is far from essential - surely there are more useful things to spend it on than replacing VERY new signs!? What I'd really like to see is a few more brown signs about, on all the roads coming into the town.


Tue 28 Jun 2005, 22:32

Although this post doesn't relate directly to the signs discussion I think that the suggestion by a member of Chancellors that more houses are proposed will be of interest to you all.
I n Stonesfield there is a developement going ahead in the heart of the old village which has had allot of opposition from villagers and new comers alike. But to no avail.
Because The Duke of M desperately needs the money.
These houses are purely for proffit. Developement only and not so sympathetically either in thier designs.
Not, to benefit the village with low cost housing, educational or social needs.
So maybe sending the petition to the Duke might be more direct than any other action. As he seems to hold allot of weight.
Though I fear e

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 24 Jun 2005, 20:56

[Town comments have been moved to another thread - please keep this one for the signs!]

russell robson

Fri 24 Jun 2005, 17:02

It would appear to me that the town council agreed these signs, everyone had the opportunity to elect the town council, if enough people were concerned enough about local issues for there to be local elections! Therefore I look forward to a whole array of new candidates at the next elections, rather than postings on websites and a return to same old website forum issues and debates. Perhaps it is the timelessness of Charlbury that we all love.

kate southey

Wed 22 Jun 2005, 22:51

ROFL Richard!!!! Thanks for setting that up, I'll forward it to everyone I know in the burgh, can everyone else do the same?
Kate x

graham W

Wed 22 Jun 2005, 19:57

Should they say HYSTERICAL Town sign!!!!??

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 22 Jun 2005, 15:08

Following Kate's suggestion, I've created a petition calling on OCC and the Town Council to remove the signs and replace them with a more sympathetic design.

You can read and sign it here:

Do encourage others to sign. (Usual disclaimer: I've started the petition because I personally think they're terrible signs; the Charlbury Website, however, doesn't have an opinion on them!)

Katie Ewer

Wed 22 Jun 2005, 13:36

The signs going into Woodstock and now also Stonesfield are much more appropriate with the stone planter in front. The ones that the Town Council have selected are entirely out of keeping with the feel of Charlbury, not just in their design, but in their content too. As if, people coming towards Charlbury are going to turn around and not bother unless there is a sign there telling them that they can indeed eat, drink and pee here. It is patronising to visitors, who will not be driving through Charlbury, but will have already made a conscious decision to go there, so greeting them with these hideous motorway signs is hardly welcoming and 'Cotswoldy'. I'd bet the nicer ones are more expensive and that's the underlying reason for these monstrosities!

kate southey

Tue 21 Jun 2005, 16:43

THE B$£%*(S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That'll be interesting when the TC come up for re'elect!

Katie R

Tue 21 Jun 2005, 13:22

I contacted Mr Bott at the County Council and his response was:
"Thank you for your comments. Have you been in contact with Charlbury Town Council who requested and approved the design prior to manufacure?".

kate southey

Mon 20 Jun 2005, 23:29

My husband suggested a petition, would this work??
I also got a letter from Highways refusing to pay for our ripped off exhaust pipe on the speed humps,saying they were "of regulation height" now that they've been proven not to be maybe I should take it further....
The ludicrous Cotswold tombstones were bad enough, but these signs are an absoloute insult.
Kate x

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 20 Jun 2005, 21:16

Signs are the responsibility of the County Council's Highways department.

All signs have to be to an 'approved' Department for Transport design. These ones are only to a provisional design, for which special permission must be sought. Therefore OCC needs to have obtained DfT approval. Given that their previous masterstrokes (the Nine Acres speed-bumps) were several mm higher than regulations, I'd be interested to know whether they've complied this time.


Mon 20 Jun 2005, 17:31

The best one is on the road from Chippy. It's been sited on the Charlbury end of a parking lay-by so that when someone is parked there you can't see the sign!

Katie R

Mon 20 Jun 2005, 14:13

I have now seen those new signs and they are awful. Do you know who arrange for them to be installed? Would it be the district council?


Thu 16 Jun 2005, 12:05

No wonder we are now told Charlbury is 'historic'. It seems, Kate, that all these Asterixs around here must mean the great man might not have come from Gaul after all!

John Kearsey

Wed 15 Jun 2005, 23:47

When you think about it, being "historic" actually means nothing. The house I live in was built in the '60's but the land it was built on has been here for millions of years, so by that critiron even Milton Keynes is historic!

kate southey

Wed 15 Jun 2005, 21:15

I'm pretty sure they'll meet with a 'terrible accident' soon.... but although that will be satifying, and be a good use of teenagers drunken frustration, it'll be at our expense.
And we are "Historic" now are we?? Bunkum! I've met people from Burford and even Woodstock who have only vaguely heard of the place! We certainly don't turn up in Cotswold guide books or history texts.
It's all so pathetically American,trying to "big up" a small rural village. It'll be a drive thru Mc Donalds next.
And to the members of the council who refused The Bell a small number plate sized brown sign on the existing 5 Ways sign post directing people to the centre of town and the pub, becuase it was "Littering" the village..... well I don't need to say what I want to say,some asterixs would suffice.
Kate x
Kate x

John Kearsey

Wed 15 Jun 2005, 18:42

It looks like Charlbury has been re-branded! I don't remember being asked whether we would like new signs - in any case I thought that as we were in a conservation area, road signs were supposed to be less obtrusive. Bring back the old signs with the daffodils growing around them!

kate southey

Wed 15 Jun 2005, 10:59

They are truly REVOLTING, an absoloute insult to Charlbury.I instnatly said, "But they are motorway signs" to my husband, Philip, so great minds think alike!!
A market town eh?? That'll be the market that died out before Cars were invented then?
Total waste of money,ugly eyesore and another nail in the coffin of the village I used to love and be proud to live in along with the demolition of my old school to make way for houses locals couldn't afford to buy.....

graham W

Tue 14 Jun 2005, 21:53

Sorry should be the TRAIN Comment, not this one! (Comment moved to appropriate thread -- Richard)

Philip Ambrose

Tue 14 Jun 2005, 21:29

Returned from work this evening to be greeted by those hideous new signs ! They would be more appropriate on the approach to Wheatley Services on the M40. I can think of at least two higher priorities for highways spending:-
1. Mending the potholes around Charlbury.
2. Getting rid of the Nine Acres speed humps as they have done in Kirtlington.
OK, so Charlbury is a town by virtue of its charter, but in all other respects it's really a quite large village, which is a strength not a weakness (and a more realistic outlook).

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