David Prudence |
Wed 17 Jan 2018, 12:36 (last edited on Wed 17 Jan 2018, 12:43) Made switch to Pure Planet at the end of December - we've had no problems so far: the switch was easy and efficient. Pure Planet only started up in April 2017, are 100% green, and very slightly cheaper than Bulb. They do operate differently from other suppliers which did put us off initially. You will need a i-phone/smartphone or can use a tablet that operates on Android 5.0 or higher. Everything is done through their app including meter readings (they prefer you to photo the meters) and 'Wattbot' and their forum are there to answer queries. Other communication is by e-mail only (they seem to respond in about 48 hours)and you logon with your e-mail address and they then e-mail you a temporary password. There is a £10 charge per month per fuel and £15 per year discount for dual fuel plus the unit rates per fuel. Charges are taken in advance with a higher rate in the winter months and less in the summer. We e-mailed for a quote for the relative amounts. Charges are variable - they buy your energy in advance and will give 30 days notice of changes. There's no fixed rate option but also no exit fees. They will be arranging smart meters next year but if you don't want you or your neighbours to be zapped 24/7 by something that you can't turn off, then although it's in their contract, they assured us you don't have to take this option up. Overall they seem fine but obviously the service is 'hands off' to keep prices down. Reviews on Trustpilot may help you to make up your mind. https://www.trustpilot.com/review/purepla.net
Hannen Beith |
Tue 16 Jan 2018, 23:51 Have recently switched to "Bulb" for our dual fuel. Half the cost of BG, and I am told (by them) that all energy supplied is 100% renewable. Extremely efficient customer service, even though these days one never knows if any outfit is telling the truth. |
Simon Fenn |
Thu 11 Jan 2018, 13:44 Has anyone had experience of this supplier? They're cheap and seem enthusiastically green and community-minded but ramshackle... |
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