Book club/reading group

Amanda Epps

Thu 26 Aug 2021, 22:41 (last edited on Thu 26 Aug 2021, 22:42)

Niki, you could ask our library manager about book clubs.  The Library is in the Community Centre and is open next week on Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 2-5 pm.  It will be open the following Monday from 9-12 am.  Or you could ring her at those times, the number is 01608 811104.

sue holiday

Thu 26 Aug 2021, 14:18

I have been attending "A Book of the Bible A Week," a "Zoom" online group lasting about one hour at 10.30 am on Tuesdays, admirably led by John Partington, on behalf of St Mary's Charlbury with All Saints' Shorthampton. 

Each week we have a brief introduction to the book of the week, its context and message, often followed by discussion of one or two passages from it, and/or discussion of other relevant themes we discover along the way.

I have found this free course illuminating. As each of the 66 books in the Bible stands alone, it would be easy to join in whichever week you may care to join, with no obligation to attend each week!

We resume after our Summer break on August 31st with the Book of Jeremiah, led by Rosalind Scott. (We started with Genesis last February). We aim to reach the Book of Malachi before Christmas and hope to launch into the New Testament next year, for perhaps six months. 

If you are interested, for further details and Zoom joining instructions, contact or 


Tue 24 Aug 2021, 10:28

My husband and I are moving to Charlbury in October 2021 and would love to join book groups.

I generally read fiction, and am happy to read others' choice of non-fiction from time to time.

My husband would love a non-fiction book group.

Are there any existing book groups, which would welcome new members?  

Many thanks.

Rachael Gibbon

Mon 29 Jan 2018, 23:49

Thanks for that information, Julie. It sounds like a fantastic scheme. Let's all discuss at our first meeting in a few weeks' time.

Julie Ward

Fri 26 Jan 2018, 08:04

Heather, you are right that a library customer will need to pay £1 if a book is reserved for them. However, for Reading Groups, all sets of books (up to 12 copies per set) are reserved and provided free and the group can have them for up to 10 weeks. The full information can be found under Reading Groups/Oxfordshire County Council.
Julie Ward
Charlbury Library Manager

Heather Williams

Thu 25 Jan 2018, 18:40

Julie, from my experience, there is usually a charge to get a book from a library if it is not in stock. I know as I have ordered one recently from my library and as they did not have it in the charge will be £1.

Julie Ward

Thu 25 Jan 2018, 17:30

Just for everyone's information, there are a few Reading Groups based in Charlbury already that are supported by Oxfordshire Libraries. Each Group has an "organiser" who collects the current set of books from Charlbury Library and distributes a copy to each Group member. Once the books have been read and discussed, the organiser returns the books to the library and collects the next set. A reading group doesn't have to be formalised like this of course, but it is a good way of group of people all getting a copy of the same book for free! For more information, see Reading Groups/Oxfordshire County Council.
Julie Ward
Charlbury Library Manager

Maggie Watts

Thu 25 Jan 2018, 10:59

I have posted you a message on the Charlbury website.

Heather Williams

Wed 24 Jan 2018, 17:35

Thanks have emailed Maggie but have not heard back yet, may have gone into junk.

Rachael Gibbon

Wed 24 Jan 2018, 15:56

Great to see so much interest! Looking forward to seeing you all at our first meeting. I've just submitted an ad so that should appear in events if you'd like to let friends know. We're aiming at a membership of up to about ten people in the interests of good quality discussions so there should be room for a few more. As Maggie said please get in touch with her if you'd like to join.

Patricia Ellis

Wed 24 Jan 2018, 12:51

I would very much like to join your book group. Something really nice to look forward to. Many thanks.

Maggie Watts

Tue 23 Jan 2018, 17:20

Rachael Gibbon and I are starting a book group up. The first meeting will be in the Rose and Crown on Thursday 22nd February starting at about 7.15 ish. We've taken the liberty of choosing a book for the first meeting and we have chosen The Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro which won the Nobel Prize for literature this year. It would be great if it wasn't just Rachael and I and the more the merrier.
If you could drop me a quick mail if you want more info or want to come along, that would be great. Please contact me at

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Tue 23 Jan 2018, 14:16

I joined one a couple of years ago, which sadly folded a few months later. If a new one starts I'd be interested in joining again. It seems that a few of us are interested..

Charlotte Dover

Tue 23 Jan 2018, 12:30

I would also be interested in a book club! Any interest in starting one up?

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 6 Jan 2018, 02:34

i've just got Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century and it's intimidatingly thick ... reminds me of being one of the few working class students in a trendy 70s Uni struggling with his predecessor in a reading group! Think I could do with a reading group to get a grasp on this one too!

Maggie Watts

Fri 5 Jan 2018, 20:18

There was one a few years ago, but I haven't seen anything recently.I would be interested in being involved in one if you wanted to start a new one.

Rachael Gibbon

Fri 5 Jan 2018, 10:16

Does anyone know of a Charlbury-based book club/reading group they can recommend, and that might be accepting new members?

Many thanks

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