Spelling and grammar

john h

Tue 28 Aug 2007, 23:36

I will be watching those design and access statments from now on Roger, Tee Hee!! Sorry if punctutation, grammar is not up to scratch, but as I only born and educated in this fair Town, I try my best. But, saying that, I have learned a lot from the University of Life.And looking at the postings on this site learn a little more every day!

Deleted user

Tue 28 Aug 2007, 11:04

I do John.

ivan krechov

Sun 26 Aug 2007, 14:36

if you are born and bred in charlbury you do not need full stops commas and all the rest to understand what somebody is trying to say.we are all not educated the same. so live and let live. if you like pick a few holes in my grammar. as if i care.?

john h

Sat 25 Aug 2007, 19:20

Who really cares about the spelling and grammar, so long as the message gets across that's good enough for me,and I suspect the majority of others

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 24 Aug 2007, 18:48

See - I've done it again in the last post!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 24 Aug 2007, 18:47

Yes, but when you are really het up about something, and just have to get it down, you dont always read it! I know when I've spelt something wrong - it's missing words out etc. that I guilty of.

Deleted user

Fri 24 Aug 2007, 17:45

Thankyou Helen & Ian for your suggestions. Richard,point taken.

Derek Collett

Fri 24 Aug 2007, 17:36

Although I accept that my postings are not perfect, I think by the standards of this forum they are generally pretty good. There is a reason for this: once I've typed a comment I read it through two or three times, correct any mistakes I find and then (and only then!) do I press the "Post comment" button. If only some people would do the same!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 24 Aug 2007, 17:05

...or you could use Firefox or Safari, which both have in-built spelling checkers.

It's generally considered bad netiquette, though, to "flame" people for their spelling/grammar mistakes, unless they're particularly egregious. I think if we had someone who insisted on "lol??!!! u r so r1ght!!!! omg" all the time then a discreet word might be required, but fortunately it's never come to that.

Richard (another editor!)

Ian Taylor

Fri 24 Aug 2007, 16:16

If you have the Google toolbar installed, that will allow you to spellcheck your post before you hit the button.

Helen Wilkinson

Fri 24 Aug 2007, 14:25

You could always type your message into a word document and rely on the(sometimes dubious)spell check facility first, if you really wanted to. I have never met most of the people who contribute to this forum, but feel that one can get more of a feel for the person contributing by the errors, which lets face it, we can all make when typing. I have never found proof reading from a screen as reliable as on paper.

Deleted user

Wed 22 Aug 2007, 23:15

Thanks Derek. I will try to do better in future.

Derek Collett

Wed 22 Aug 2007, 22:44

Since you ask Roger, here goes: there should be spaces before and after the parentheses (brackets); you shouldn't use a comma and a parenthesis together (one or other will suffice); and your final sentence should have a question mark at the end as you are asking a direct question. Sorry to be so picky but it is my job to amend other people's English and you did ask!

Deleted user

Wed 22 Aug 2007, 17:32

Derek please indicate the mistakes so I can avoid them in the future.

J Norris

Wed 22 Aug 2007, 17:21

Glass houses and black pots spring to mind.

Derek Collett

Wed 22 Aug 2007, 17:17

I agree that the quality of English is deplorable but as an editor/proofreader I also found several mistakes in your posting Roger!

Deleted user

Wed 22 Aug 2007, 16:24

Having fairly recently retired (along with John H)I have been looking through previous postings,(or are these called `blogs`?) and I am astounded at the poor spelling and grammar. Are they all simple mistakes or do we really live in `textland`

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