
russell robson

Fri 15 Dec 2017, 12:41

was it a magpie eating a banana?

stephen cavell

Fri 15 Dec 2017, 00:15

Angela-since starting this thread you have not entered this game? If I can you can.

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 14 Dec 2017, 23:53

I seem to recall a Youcan Toucan campaign or catchphrase sometime early on when coming over this side of t'pond and its driving me nutty now ... what was it??

Gordon Clemson

Thu 14 Dec 2017, 18:05

The Toucan was first used in 1935 by the Advertising firm S.H.Benson and was the result of a very specific request
from the Guinness family. They did not want an advertising campaign that equated with Beer.... they thought it would be vulgar, but wanted to stress the the brews strength and goodness
Apart from the Toucan there was the Sea lion and the Turtle.
It came to an end in 1982 when Guinness stopped working with S.H.Benson, although there was a brief limited edition can release in 2016 with the Toucan

Simon Walker

Thu 14 Dec 2017, 15:31

Later than the '50s, Stephen. Unless what I can remember was a repro.

stephen cavell

Thu 14 Dec 2017, 06:34

Who else remembers the Guinness advert of the 1940/50's. A toucan with two pints of Guinness on its beak saying "A pint of Guinness is good for you, just see what toucan (two can) do"

Angela Moore

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 20:58

play that game.

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