Future of office space in Charlbury

john h

Sat 18 Aug 2007, 18:28

The Old Fire Station was on the market for nearly 18 months as a business property, in that time only one person showed an interest, and dropped out at the eleventh hour. Prior to that the Trust had negotiated with Oxford County Concil who were going to purchase the building for a library etc, this purchase had nearly gone to the wire when OCC pulled out, costing the Trust money. As the Trust is obliged to get best value from its property and investments it was decided (with The Charity Commisions ok )to apply for change of use.

This decision was not taken lightly, bearing that in mind any funds raised can still be used for the community. As you say Jon it is done slowly, any dealing with the Charity Commision makes it that way!
I must say that although the property had a For Sale notice on it for some time no approach was made from the Charlbury Community.

ivan krechov

Fri 17 Aug 2007, 20:26

what charlbury needs is industry not offices. a man needs to sweat and toil for a good boss not sit on his fat back side looking at a computer screen.work a twelve hour day go to the pub drink twelve pints oof wychwood ales. then go home and see to the wife. every mans idea of heaven.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 17 Aug 2007, 11:03

We do. And that's a crucial location, strategically placed between the Co-op/car park and the town centre, with excellent footfall. Previous tenants have not been able to renew their tenancy, suggesting that the trustees may not in fact wish to let the place at all. Perhaps they would rather sell up and administer a pot of money rather than be bothered with a building (quite understandable!). But that would be bad for the town, and we should object to the application.

The site is also very sensitive in relation to the Corner House and Memorial Hall, and there ought to be an integrated approach. The trustees will be under pressure from the Charity Commissioners to do something: it's just that they are doing the wrong thing, and seemingly very slowly.

Stephen Andrews

Thu 16 Aug 2007, 20:56

I note that the Charity that owns the Old Fire Station in Browns Lane are applying for change of use from an office to a dwelling. Does anyone know what is going on? I thought we needed more public space in the town, not less.

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