Philip Ambrose

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 18:52

Mrs A. just back from Chippy, roads OK and temperature currently 2.5 C. We were in Witney this afternoon and main roads were fine. Daughter went to wedding near Cirencester on Saturday and returned Sunday via M5, M42 and M40 then main roads from Banbury. Fifty minutes out, five hours back!

Philip Ambrose

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 18:45

Too easy in bad weather when the Police response now comes (or doesn't) from Witney or Banbury!

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 13:54

Just traveling back from chippy now glena stick to main road a44 you will be fine steer clear of spelsbury to chippy not brilliant .
Also so people know Aldi was ram raided last night so closed today also station mill antiques closed due to break in .

glena chadwick

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 13:00

What about Chippy ? Need to get to hospital tomorrow a.m. Of course it might be quite different then I suppose.Usually go to Enstone then on the main road.

Suzy M-H

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 12:45

Thanks Richard! Shall give it a go

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 11:02


Suzy M-H

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 11:00

Has anyone got to Witney without four wheel drive?

vicky burton

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 09:56

Getting to Witney is ok in any car with care. The difficulty lays mainly in getting out of Charlbury. Super slow and super careful breaking and turning. Please allow 10 times the distance between you and the car in front that you would normally allow though!

Marjorie Glasgow

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 09:52

Meals on Wheels being delivered today (with luck and 4x4's) to Charlbury, Chadlington, and Stonesfield residents. May be slightly later due to road conditions.

Andrew Chapman

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 09:42

Any reports on the road to Enstone?

Felicity Brooks

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 09:31

I drove to Eynsham via Witney yesterday in ordinary car. Very slowly on way back because of ice..waiting today for a bit of a thaw before I attempt to get to work again. The worst part is still getting into Charlbury.

Suzy M-H

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 09:14

Has anyone got to Witney without four wheel drive?

Alan Cobb

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 08:51

Heather - Dyers Hill is passable with care - cars are going up and down it and I haven't seen anyone stuck on it yet!

Tanya Stevenson

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 08:50

The Day Centre's normal Wednesday session and the Open Morning are cancelled for this Wednesday, due to the difficulty of transporting elderly people in the ice. We will put on an open morning in January. Also, in case any of you have not heard, the Christmas Ladies lunch at Witney Lakes today has also been postponed.

Suzy M-H

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 08:42

Thanks very much, Alan


Tue 12 Dec 2017, 07:56

X9 from chipping norton to witney and witney to chipping norton all been cancelled until further notice 1st bus went to witney this morning now all cancelled

Heather Williams

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 07:54

What's Dyers Hill road like? has it been gritted?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 12 Dec 2017, 00:44

The pavement down from Church Lane to the station is gritted. Well done WODC or whoever did it.

Alan Cobb

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 22:07

Rachel - WODC were gritting the eastern pavement this afternoon. Most of it is passable but there are a few places which are tricky.

Clare Salter

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 20:40

Does any one know how the Woodstock Road is?

Rachael Lunney

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 18:54

What the pavements down to station like pls .

Charlotte Veron

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 13:00

Does anybody know if the roads are gritted to Leafield?

Hannen Beith

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 12:40

S3 running again, and seems to be on time - so far!

Suzy M-H

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 11:36

Thanks very much, Alan

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 10:37 for bin collection updates.

Alan Cobb

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 09:57 (last edited on Mon 11 Dec 2017, 10:39)

Suzy - trains were running on time (an hour ago) but 11.05 currently 17min late

Hamish Nichol

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 09:40

Road to Enstone okay in fwd car at 06:00 then A44 okay to Shell garage (near Chippy) to get the A361 to Banbury. M40 running normally. Worst part was the first 1/2 mile and the last 1/2 mile into the airport car park.

Suzy M-H

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 09:30

How are the trains today? (couldn't get back from London yesterday, had to turn back from Reading).

Peter Evans

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 08:58

S3 buses running from Chipping Norton this morning. Road from Stonesfield to A44 is OK too. (dropped my wife off in Woodstock to catch the bus)_


Mon 11 Dec 2017, 08:41

No x9 buses to witney either

Judy Kinchella

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 08:35

No buses running at the moment to Chipping Norton.

Helen Holwill

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 08:02

That's really useful information. Thank you Vicky!

vicky burton

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 07:58

You can get to the A44 in a front wheel drive car (hatchback) as long as you go at 20mph and watch out for the foliage blocking. Once you get on to the A44 it is fine with care and I imagine gritted by now. If you've a heavy rear wheel drive vehicle, you may have difficulties. This news is based on 11pm last night. It has thawed a bit since then.

vicky burton

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 07:53

If anyone is heading towards Woodstock; there was a large tree halfway across the road near the wooded stretch late last night. Passable but obviously reduces the road to a single lane.

John Dora

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 07:52

I'm interested to hear what it's like on the A44 and to Woodstock and Enstone.

Pearl Manners

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 07:52 (last edited on Mon 11 Dec 2017, 07:54)

Is there any news on Woodstock road being open this morning to others than 4x4 's please. With regard to Fawler road I have just read report on FB of Tree being down Finstock right hand side travelling from Charlbury to Witney to take care.

vicky burton

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 07:50 (last edited on Mon 11 Dec 2017, 10:48)

Managed to get a BMW (rear wheel drive)off woodfield drive/Hixet Wood and Fiveways this morning, so it's not too bad. Once you get on to the road towards Witney; gritters have been out.

Hannen Beith

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 18:18

Nice one Chris. Walking on rural footpaths is usually easier as the ground absorbs the moisture (to some extent). On pavements, it's the opposite. Pavements are not porous, so the snow gets packed into ice.

Chris Tatton

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 17:01 (last edited on Sun 10 Dec 2017, 18:21)

Went for a 3 hour walk in the countryside around Charlbury, all footpaths are passable with care!

Hannen Beith

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 16:46

Just measured 10 Cms snow here at Fiveways. Now getting icy. Large branches falling off the pine trees around the allotments due to weight of snow. 3 abandoned cars.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 15:56

All trains currently cancelled: .

Birgit den Outer

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:51 (last edited on Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:55)

My friend, stranded at my house, would also really like to know the answer to Veronica's question, thank you!

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:49 (last edited on Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:53)

This was a video showing a snow plough being towed onto the A44 and the Duke of Marlborough by the looks of things

Jenny Howe

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:49

Anyone heading to Oxford Parkway. Need to get to London. Thank you

veronica robinson

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 14:48

Has anyone ventured out on the Charlbury to Burford road? Is it passable in a non 4x4? Any information would be appreciated.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 13:03

Just cycled up to Halcyon Honey Farm to get our Christmas tree and only 4x4s were getting up the Woodstock Road - saw several other cars attempt it and turn back. Five Ways is pretty churned up and slippy too.

Katie Ewer

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 12:53

Fawler to Charlbury is treacherous. I've also heard from a neighbour that the road to Witney is bad too, with lot's of cars stuck on the Finstock hill near Hilltop. Only 4x4's can get through.

Mark Sulik

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 12:20

I came back to Charlbury this morning and the road through Woodstock was blocked and had to divert through woodleys and over Stratford bridge. Roads are bad and only 4 wheel drive vehicles should attempt going out on the roads.All the BMW Jags and Mercedes are getting stuck

Susan Terry

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 11:42

Has anyone got any further than round the town? Woodstock or further? Hard to know quite how bad conditions are beyond the immediate town.

Jackie Hague

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 09:52

Woodstock Road and Fawler Road not gritted. Cars getting stuck at the junction. Only 4x4s getting through.

Maureen Sparling

Sun 10 Dec 2017, 09:43

All church services in Shorthampton are cancelled today Sunday 10 December.

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