Mill Field railings

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 8 Dec 2017, 22:25

I think that in this instance the wrong decision was made.

Tony H Merry

Fri 8 Dec 2017, 16:20

I find this criticism of the Town Council is completely unjustified and unreasonable
Firstly as I have already said the only objective of erecting the railings is to protect those such as young children or animals from accidentally falling down a steep slope into the weir on what is a public footpath and bridge owned and maintained by the council. I am surprised that people object to this.
Secondly the railings do not prevent access to the water by anyone who wishes to do so. If those posting were to go down there as I have done myself they will find it is quite possible to get round the railings at the end away from the bridge and to walk along behind them holding the railings. In fact when climbing down and getting back up from the weir they make it safer as you can hold onto them.
I have even cleared the brambles and branches on the other side of the railings to make it easier to walk along.
If I can do it then I am sure anyone who would be thinking of swimming in the weir could easily do the same.You should of course realise that you that at your own risk. Please go and have a look and if you are not sure how to get down I would be quite happy to show you.

James Styring

Fri 8 Dec 2017, 16:16

Cordless angle-grinder, anyone?

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 8 Dec 2017, 15:30 (last edited on Fri 8 Dec 2017, 16:12)

Well said, Hugh and Alan. Knowing and loving a place is knowing the fields, the pathways, and lanes, the shortcuts, and really the secrets that will only reveal themselves with a bit of good, old-fashioned exploration. Having everything and everywhere safely engineered is boring, predicable and bland, and this is exactly why I am so fed up with the do-goodery with which Charlbury is becoming overwhelmed.

Alan Cobb

Fri 8 Dec 2017, 14:18

Malcolm, there is no need for people, kids or dogs to walk up the part of Pound Hill without a pavement (unless you live in one of the houses on Pound Hill, that is). There is a public footpath in the field from the bottom of Pound Hill all the way up to the Cemetery which avoids the need to use the road.

Hugh Belshaw

Fri 8 Dec 2017, 10:54

Well said Malcolm. I hope you will make a formal complaint to the Town Council.On behalf of the Canoe Club, I think the railings create a dangerous barrier to quick access to the weir in time of need.
There was a (fairly weak) case for a railing to the curved stonework at the end of the bridge but the extension that blocks off access to the weir is unfortunate and should be removed. The weirpool is a favourite swimming place for the town's youngsters and the railings will not stop them but make their access much more dangerous. Are we now going to see"no swimming " notices and if so who will enforce them and with what penalties?
Railins such as these might be fine for a municipal park but have no place in the open countryside. I urge all forum readers to go visit this abberation and comment to the Town Council accordingly.

Rosemary Bennett

Thu 7 Dec 2017, 21:00

I haven't been to see this yet, but already I'm feeling absolutely horrified by the sound of it. Why do we need to engineer the life and soul out of every single little piece of nature that is still available to us?

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 7 Dec 2017, 15:36

We saw them on a foray with el mutto at dusk yesterday. Unnecessary, intrusive and actually more dangerous than when edge was left unobstructed. When I'd take the kids and friends to the "swimming pool" I could keep them in full view and at any moment could get at one…

Long post - click to read full text

Tim Widdows

Tue 5 Dec 2017, 17:26

Thought the new railing look good when I saw them today,practical and looked well made, and will stop people falling in to Charlbury Falls.

Rosemary Bennett

Tue 5 Dec 2017, 09:57 (last edited on Fri 8 Dec 2017, 16:14)

Let's leave the little bits of Charlbury's natural environment alone. I am sick and tired of seeing Charlbury being sawn, hacked, mulched, gravelled, levelled, tarmac'd, so-called developed, and whatever else. Can nowhere be just left alone? Now it seems that even the few little joyous nooks and crannies that manage to remain, can't be left alone by do-gooders. Enough already!

john h

Mon 4 Dec 2017, 19:01

'Ere we go again .Hands off Watery Lane .

Liz Puttick

Mon 4 Dec 2017, 17:23

If the goal is improved walking, surely a more effective use of resources would be to mulch/gravel the most waterlogged stretch of Watery Lane.

Tim crisp

Mon 4 Dec 2017, 16:40 (last edited on Mon 4 Dec 2017, 16:40)

I've been told by the Town Council that as part of the improved circular walk and other plans for Mill Field this was budgeted for in the current years precept and that it improves safety and finishes off the Jubilee Bridge.
I'm with you Kate on this, and my thoughts are that many families use the weir for swimming in the summer months and will continue to try to do so despite the railings being there. The railings may well present a greater risk to health and safety as people attempt to get over or round them to swim above and down the weir.

Kate Smith

Sat 2 Dec 2017, 15:21

You can only assume either:
there have historically been a long series of nasty accidents of people falling off the edge to a watery grave
or that people of Charlbury have recently grown monumentally stupid so there is now a greater risk someone might fall even if they never have before
or that the railings have been installed by killjoys determined that Charlbury's youth shall never more enjoy the pleasures of playing on the weir.
I'm with Elon Musk on this one: (he turns out to have 5 young kids -twins and triplets - who'd have thought?) Family rule number 1 is"Don't Panic!"
Rule number 3 is "Safety third"
There is no rule number 2, he just couldn't bear to elevate safety past third place.
I wasn't aware of any consultation on this - does anyone else want to join a protest to have them removed?

Judy Kinchella

Fri 1 Dec 2017, 16:23

Elf and safety!

Tim crisp

Tue 28 Nov 2017, 14:45

Anyone able to cast any light on why railings have been put up at the far end of the Mill Field, by the weir?

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