Poetry books in the Community Bookshop, Corner House

Neil Pakenham-Walsh

Fri 10 Nov 2017, 07:57

Thanks Liz and Nancy, Yes we always welcome book donations. Please leave them anywhere in the bookshop (upstairs at the Corner House). We get new books coming in almost every day. All genres are welcome. Children's books are very popular. We take any books that are unsold to the Oxfam bookshop in Chipping Norton, where I am told they have raised a further £2000 approximately. We also welcome CDs and DVDs.

Nancy Whitfield

Thu 9 Nov 2017, 19:40 (last edited on Thu 9 Nov 2017, 19:42)

All book donations are very welcome at the Corner House Community Bookshop, which over the years has raised over £7000 for the upkeep of the buildings, with all books priced at just 50 pence each. If we are given many books on a particular subject we like to "advertise" this, to let everyone know. Thanks to our donations, we have a reputation among book-lovers as having a wide range of very interesting subjects, and it's well worth popping upstairs to check out the latest additions. Thank you to all who have donated and made our community bookshop so successful.

Liz Puttick

Thu 9 Nov 2017, 11:25

Neil, are you still looking for book donations, and if so any genres in particular you do/don't want?

Neil Pakenham-Walsh

Thu 9 Nov 2017, 10:22

We have been given lots of poetry books. Please do come and browse. All items at 50p each.

All proceeds to the Corner House and Memorial Hall.

The Community Bookshop is open 9-5 every weekday plus Saturday morning plus some evenings (when Corner House is open).

Thank you to everyone for your book donations - and your 50ps!

Best wishes, Neil

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