Comunity centre Circuits

Jenny Chambers

Wed 25 Oct 2017, 06:50

Hello again Nigel. Just to clear up any confusion- it's only on the Thursday, 6.30-7.30 pm, class that numbers will be limited. On Wednesday, 9-10 am, as well as Sunday, 10-11 am, the circuit can be held in the sportshall.

All three options are offered primarily on a course basis. Regular attendance is the best and safest way to achieve lasting fitness improvements. The drop-in option is intended only for the minority who know they can't come regularly.

The pricing is based on the value each person will gain from Jason's circuit and on his knowledge and expertise. Wherever held, you can be assured of a fun and challenging workout!

Nigel Drinkwater

Tue 24 Oct 2017, 20:46

Hi Jenny, thank you for prompt reply. I only discussed Sunday circuits as these are in main Hall and advertised as fall out of bed and as many welcome as possible!
The other 2 classes are in the small hall, I can understand costing there and discount for signing up as numbers Will be limited. I just thought a Sunday drop in class seems very expensive when numbers are pretty much unlimited.
The £ 5.00 try out is spot on, getting Charlbury residents through the doors is I imagine priority. Is the sign up a class pass as I imagine many people will have other comittments on some Sundays.

Jenny Chambers

Tue 24 Oct 2017, 17:55

Thanks Nigel for your enthusiastic welcome for Jason's new circuit training classes. We are are excited to be able to offer these at the Centre.
I would just like to check that you know each class works out at £7.00, when booked as a course, rather than £9.00. The course fee includes a one-to-one with Jason beforehand, when he will discuss with you your individual requirements.
For anyone who hasn't done circuit training before or just wants to give Jason's classes a try before committing to a course, we are happy to offer a £5 taster session. Contact Jason at the Centre on 01608 811878 for more information.

Nigel Drinkwater

Mon 23 Oct 2017, 21:52

Really good to see the new Comunity centre is offering in house fitness classes ( circuits ) in a time when we are constantly advised to eat less and exercise more it's great to have this on our door step. Sunday class is being held in the main Hall and being offered to all. Unfortunately as good as this sounds it is unbelievably expensive at £9.00 so as much as we would like to go, £18.00 for two of us is way out of our budget. I'm sure if this was reduced it would get good numbers .

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