Walk-cycle-push!!!!! Join our movement...

Liz Reason

Mon 11 Dec 2017, 12:39

Your interactive map and blog post are great Claire. We have many more photographs showing problem areas, and someone who needs to use a wheelchair outlining many locations where wheelchairs are forced into the road. We should hold an exhibition soon - in an accessible location.

Claire Wilding

Fri 8 Dec 2017, 11:47

Just to let you know, we are not now going ahead with the planned meeting on 9 Dec but we are publishing all the comments received on our website www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk/?page_id=433 as well as ideas for what can be done. So watch that space and please continue to send in any contributions, either by commenting on the webpage or by email to walkcyclepush@gmail.com

Claire Wilding

Wed 15 Nov 2017, 18:33

The results are being presented and discussed on Saturday 9 Dec. Please get your comments in as soon as you can to give us time to add them to the website. Photos would also be very welcome.

Heather Williams

Wed 15 Nov 2017, 17:50

I too don't want to be a meanie, but it's not the small children on scooters riding madly its the older teenage ones who are dangerous, and you can't see them at night!

Leah Fowler

Wed 15 Nov 2017, 17:43

I mean small children on small scooters, even the tiniest are very proficient but it is a bit scary when they wiz past at speed.
There are also teenagers on large scooters,but they tend to go on the road

James Styring

Wed 15 Nov 2017, 16:59

The website looks amazing Claire, how much time have we got in which to comment?

James Styring

Wed 15 Nov 2017, 16:58

Leah: Do you mean small adults on big scooters or children on small scooters?

Leah Fowler

Wed 15 Nov 2017, 15:03 (last edited on Wed 15 Nov 2017, 15:13)

At the risk of being accused of being a moaner I find sharing the pavement with miniature scooter riders pretty scary especially at the bottom of Browns Lane

Claire Wilding

Mon 13 Nov 2017, 10:02

Areas people have mentioned so far include: Grammar School Hill footway, community centre footway, the Slade for cyclists and buggy access to the Playing Close and other green spaces.

Please add your comments here:


Liz Reason

Sun 5 Nov 2017, 12:34

The photos are coming in. Have you done yours?

Claire Wilding

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 14:08

Absolutely Sue! The feedback so far includes cyclists and buggy pushers, but we would really like to hear from people who are less mobile or who have disabilities.

Sue Way

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 10:14

Does the survey also mean to cover accessibility for less able people e.g. Wheelchair users, frame walker users?

Claire Wilding

Mon 30 Oct 2017, 16:13

The webpage for this is now up and running! See:

You can leave comments on the page or send in photos and comments to walkcyclepush@gmail.com

Liz Reason

Fri 20 Oct 2017, 21:37

Charlbury Action Plan's Movement Group wants your help to survey Charlbury's streets, footpaths and green spaces for obstacles. Movement isn't all about motor vehicles. Those of us on foot and two wheels - or with extra wheels - often find we have to go the long way round because gates are locked, paths are overgrown, one-way systems are designed for cars. You can help conduct our survey by adding obstacles to our interactive map www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk/placecheck/charlbury/ Send photos of the offending spaces to: walkcyclepush@gmail.com and we'll post them to the website. And on the morning of 9th December we'll publish the results in the Thomas Gifford Room in Charlbury Community Centre and talk about what can be done. The cafe will be open...

Liz Reason

Fri 20 Oct 2017, 12:41

HI Tanya. Thanks for that. I have actually emailed Jenny to ask if we could put our pictures up there, and went in yesterday to look and I think it would work well. As soon as I have confirmation, I will change the notice.

Amanda Epps

Fri 20 Oct 2017, 12:40

Harriet, I remember attending a meeting about accessibility in the Corner House in May 2001! The recommendation from the OCC officer was a lift and internal changes. It took nearly 20 years to get the new Library so maybe there's hope yet.

Tanya Stevenson

Thu 19 Oct 2017, 14:23

Charlbury Community Centre is completely accessible.

Liz Reason

Wed 18 Oct 2017, 20:41

I assume you mean St Mary's? I will ask. Thanks for helping.

Harriet Baldwin

Wed 18 Oct 2017, 20:02

Or the church? More centralised than the other two places. They have arts week there so might be happy to have you do a quick presentation.

Harriet Baldwin

Wed 18 Oct 2017, 19:54

Perhaps wait until there is a room available and make a note that sorting a lift or something for the morris room is a priority!

Or the scout hut or the school Hall if they'll let you given the accessibility requirements.

Liz Reason

Wed 18 Oct 2017, 19:41

Hi Harriet. Very good point. But we couldn't get the Mem Hall on either that day or the previous week. The Ann Downer Room is too small. Not sure what to do.

Harriet Baldwin

Wed 18 Oct 2017, 19:31

I think the results need to be done somewhere else. You're doing a survey on movement/accessibility and the results will be displayed upstairs in a building without lifts. I'm not sure how many people will be affected, but this is a good example of people with good intentions not understanding about accessibility because they don't have that problem themselves.

Liz Reason

Wed 18 Oct 2017, 15:39

Charlbury Action Plan's Movement Group wants your help to survey Charlbury's streets, footpaths and green spaces for obstacles. Movement isn't all about motor vehicles. Those of us on foot and two wheels - or with extra wheels - often find we have to go the long way round because gates are locked, paths are overgrown, one-way systems are designed for cars. You can help conduct our survey by adding obstacles to our interactive map www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk/placecheck/charlbury/ Send photos of the offending spaces to: walkcyclepush@gmail.com and we'll post them to the website. And on the morning of 9th December we'll publish the results in the Morris Room and talk about what can be done.

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