Air pollution - Top End Ditchley Road (Rural)

Susie Burnett

Fri 13 Oct 2017, 15:46

Susie, it was terrible yesterday evening on the other side of the fields, going back to Charlbury from the Stonesfield path, too. Not great when you're running!

Hamish Nichol

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 21:26

The fields up behind Ticknell Piece had been sprayed earlier this week whatever it was I certainly know I shouldn't have been breathing it in.

Frank Payne

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 11:27

It might be spraying in the surrounding fields. We went to Stonesfield Common earlier in the week and there was spraying going on nearby, filling the air with a petrol like smell. After just a couple of hours we had stinging eyes and sore throats so if it is the same it's not something to breath in too much of.

Susie Pickering

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 09:34

Does anyone know what the strong smell (petrol/ meth like vapour) is at the top end of the Ditchley Road just 150 yards from the white gates. It has been there for some days and is getting stronger?

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