Repeat Perscriptions

stephen cavell

Thu 2 Nov 2017, 08:48

Hannen - best one liner for a long time. Its how you tell'em.

Geoff Belcher

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 22:19

Did not have to change anything when I logged in

Hannen Beith

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 19:08

Yes, I just tried to register but was told that I was not whom I thought I was. Pretty accurate.

Tony H Merry

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 17:32

Yes I can confirm that it is back on line
However they have obviously changed the system as IDs are now numbers not letters so you have to go through and change your ID and password
It also looks as if you will now
be able to book appointments but need to contact the surgery to set this up


Wed 1 Nov 2017, 09:08

Thank you Andrew for letting people know

Andrew Greenfield

Tue 31 Oct 2017, 22:56

Just in case people are not aware;
The repeat prescription service is now back online, though you may be asked either to update some security questions or to answer them for the first time; I don't remember doing it originally.
It also looks as if a few extra services are available, eg appointments, though I have only ever used it for repeat prescriptions.

Geoff Belcher

Mon 16 Oct 2017, 10:20

no cross puposes here just trying to get an answer as to when the on line will be back ,and the 819329 does not operate until 2:00pm
the site says disabled by the practice get in touch with them,but they do not seem to have an answer

Charlie M

Mon 16 Oct 2017, 08:14

I think we have a few "talking at cross purposes" issues here!
AFAIK, the original reason for the online service going down was that the website got hacked and so they disabled it, in order to allow whatever increases in security were deemed necessary to be implemented. Maybe the software company are indeed "still working on it"; as far as the 819329 number goes, you can leave a new prescription request as a message, but whether that is now the case for all the time, or whether they actually do answer it after 2 pm (which used to be the case), I do not know. I would have thought that anyone ordering a repeat should know what they want, so that a real person answering would be unnecessary.

Lee Belcher

Sun 15 Oct 2017, 18:49

The online service is not up and working yet. When I ask how it's all going at the surgery I get the same answer: "They're working on it" and despite telling me that it's been disabled by the Practice, I'm assured it has nothing to do with the Pacice.

Stephen Andrews

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 15:44

Geoff is correct - the online service has worked fine until this week - accessing it through the medical centre website is probably Nick's problem. Hopefully it will be back when the software company sorts it out.

Geoff Belcher

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 15:37

That's wrong the on line service has been working ok until this week. I use it all the time.the dispenser told me yesterday that it had sotopped due to the software company doing something. Its been woking all this year sofar and I have not had any troubles

Nick Millea

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 09:06

The online service hasn't worked for months, but the Dispensary answerphone mentioned below by Susie works fine.

Stephen Andrews

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 07:55 (last edited on Thu 12 Oct 2017, 07:55)

Peter, using your weblink the page opens, but if you look for services (ie to order a repeat prescription) then the message 'Feature disabled by practise' comes up. I have done all the obvious computer things like clearing cache and browsing history, but still no use. I will call them or go up and ask them to sort it out. I will also suggest that they put in a daily check.

Peter Kenrick

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 00:42

The online service works for me by going in direct via patient access services (i.e. don't use the link on the Charlbury Medical Centre website). Go to or Google "Patient Access". Use the same User ID and password that you normally use

Geoff Belcher

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 22:20 (last edited on Wed 11 Oct 2017, 22:22)

Its the on line service that I am on about!! The number 01608 819329 is not answered until after 2:00pm, the problem seems to be the software company that is doing something about it but notime given when it will be back in use

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 19:47 (last edited on Wed 11 Oct 2017, 19:49)

Stephen is right. I wonder if that is temporary. The link is still on the medical centre website.

Hannen Beith

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 19:35

Jon, what is the online service please? I always get the Receptionist who says I have to see a Doctor (no comediennes please). A complete waste of the Doctor's time, and mine.
Mind you, if it's been pulled, I don't suppose it matters.

Stephen Andrews

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 19:12

The online repeat service does not work at the moment - the message says 'Feature disabled by practice'

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 18:35

There is an online service for repeat prescriptions. Works a treat.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 14:12

The number is 01608 819329. It does work as I have just rung it.

Charlie M

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 13:42

There is actually an AnswerPhone service on the number for the surgery pharmacy (which I've forgotten!). But I've used it, and it works.

Geoff Belcher

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 10:33

The repeat service is no longer in action until nobody knows, so its a call to the surgery pharmacy after 1400 or a visit to it, or put your script in the box.

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