Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 14 Oct 2017, 14:11

But the bins are on wheels precisely so that they can be manoeuvred to the back of the lorry.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sat 14 Oct 2017, 11:20

100% agreed on point 2 - the Town Council has asked for this a couple of times. But WODC say that the trucks wouldn't be able to reach the bins if they were put in the far corner. This seems unlikely to me but they're very insistent!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 14 Oct 2017, 07:51

Two points that I've always thought are so obvious that the WODC car park planners would take them on board.

(1) drivers dropping into the car park for a quick visit -- Coop, doctor etc -- will use the first space they see. The blue one-hour spaces are for them, but are furthest away and you can't always see if any are vacant as you drive in. So short-stay drivers inevitably use the long-stay spaces. This has not been put right.

(2) the recycling bins in the car park are for people with quite a lot to dispose of. Especially since we got our blue bins and have far more capacity than before for recycling at home, very few people will be recycling the odd carrier bag of stuff: everyone will be arriving by car. So why are the bins located so prominently and in such an ugly fashion, when they could be on the other side of the car park behind Richard's nice fencing?

Have I missed something here?

Liz Leffman

Thu 12 Oct 2017, 22:59 (last edited on Thu 12 Oct 2017, 23:01)

I've been told today that the new regime for rubbish collection includes more regular collections from bring sites such as the one at the Spendlove. I hope that means that it will be a lot tidier and that this will discourage fly-tipping. If the site at Sainsbury's in Witney is anything to go by, we should see a big improvement - since they took over the management of the site and started to organise regular collections, it has looked extremely tidy and fly-tipping has reduced significantly.

I will ask if it would be possible to have a fence put up to hide the bins once they are returned following the re-surfacing, but I suspect I may be told that the cost will have to be met by the town.

Pearl Manners

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 16:10 (last edited on Wed 11 Oct 2017, 21:44)

Now that's a great idea Richard, I hope someone from WODC reads the forum.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 15:50

On the inland waterways, the rubbish disposal points are usually neatly tucked away in a wooden enclosure like this:

Perhaps something like that (even if only around three sides, not four) would at least contain the unsightliness.

glena chadwick

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 14:57

Those bins (or rather the infrequent collections from them) have always been a problem. The closure of Dean Pit (which was, of course, a disaster that we fought hard to avert) has just made the situation worse. When I was a district councillor I used to ring up WODC when I saw things were bad and they did respond but it shouldn't have needed that. I know Liz does the same but one could be on the phone every few days and I think there would still be a mess. WODC sometimes responded with'oh well it's flytipping' but even if it is, it is still their responsibility to clear it up.

Hannen Beith

Mon 9 Oct 2017, 19:45

Good point Richard. Personally, I'd be happy to pay a levy (or whatever it's called these days) to have more frequent collections from the Spendlove site. I think we have to face the reality that we are moving towards a situation where the Council Tax just doesn't cover everything.
Off to a Recycle tip tomorrow with mine and my neighbours' rubbish.
It's really not a hardship.

Phil Morgan

Mon 9 Oct 2017, 13:19

Having said last Wednesday that this was a good debate; it promptly went dead!
Clearly the Thomas Gifford Charity has authority over this space but is there a plan for this plot of land? It was formerly proposed for the Charlbury Town Football and Sports Club but was deemed too small.
It would be good to hear a view from the TGC.

Phil Morgan

Wed 4 Oct 2017, 13:35

This is a great discussion and ideas are being developed. Richard, as ever, offers a pragmatic view. Tony; of course I do understand the Gifford Trust constitution.
It requires the charity to "serve the benefit of the people of Charlbury".
Russell talks about liability. Well, of course, the Trust could agree a contract with WODC for use of this plot for recycling and put appropriate insurance in place.
Claire is plainly right in suggesting that this comes down to public responsibility - respect for your own place is at the core of the debate.
Anyway, as I said, a great debate - just what the Forum is for.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 4 Oct 2017, 10:29

Ultimately the problem isn't so much with the location as with the fact that it's not emptied often enough for the amount of recycling left there - no great surprise given the closure of Dean Pit and the now-fortnightly refuse collections.

Moving it to another site just relocates the eyesore; it doesn't make it better. The Town Council has been discussing alternative sites with WODC for a few months, but with no obvious solution so far (WODC has refused to move it to the far corner of their car park, for example). Personally I'd like to see WODC send a truck out to clear the site on an extra day each week.

Tony Morgan

Wed 4 Oct 2017, 09:29

Exactly Russell. A Charity is not allowed by its constitution to randomly take liability for County Council run sites. Phil as an original Gifford trustee & town councillor I thought you would have understood that

Claire Wilding

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 22:24

I can understand wanting to move the bins to somewhere where they are a less of an eyesore, but it will probably make the problems worse as people will feel they can get away with dumping their rubbish on the ground without being seen.

russell robson

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 22:15

I would assume the present bins are on WODC land and therefore the liability rests with them. I also assume the land adjacent to the community Centre is owned by the Community Centre and it would seem foolish of them to accept the liability of these bins on to their land, given the way the local community use them. Since the bins are there for the community perhaps the community that uses them could be self managing when it comes to the site. If the bins are full come back another time. If there is no clothes recycling find another option rather than flytipping. Just like speeding around Charlbury much of the mess is created by people from Charlbury. You don't need to move the bins, you just need to respect them.

Heather Williams

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 19:22

My only concern, can the vehicles used to empty them access them from this point.

Mark Sulik

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 17:33 (last edited on Tue 3 Oct 2017, 19:10)

Good idea, the fire risk to the new community centre is worthy of consideration - not sure if this plot of land is earmarked for another use ? PS - no agenda and not in authority

Phil Morgan

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 15:49

Gordon: I agree with you that Wendy's idea might be "the bleedin' obvious" answer for lots of ordinary folk in the town.
But, as you say, some others will complain. That is the nature of the beast.

Wendy Bailey

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 12:33 (last edited on Tue 3 Oct 2017, 12:38)

Perhaps is too practical.. and obvious and thought of too late. Or would someone with authority like to respond with a reason why not?

Hannen Beith

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 11:56

Good idea Wendy. I think the Charlbury residents are going to be using site more and more as they find that stuff they thought would be collected hasn't.

Gordon Clemson

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 11:41

What a great idea.. probably won't be adopted as its too sensible and obvious. There will be objections from various quarters each with their own agenda

Wendy Bailey

Tue 3 Oct 2017, 07:49

The current "Bring" site has been a disgrace for many mònths. Not having a local tip has affected our town badly. Fly-tipping will only increase. Could the recycling bins be relocated just a few yards away to the piece of ground between our new community centre and surgery. There is good access for delivery and collection.The perfect time to do this would be coming up following the re-surfacing of the car park. No windows or doors overlook this piece of ground.Another plus would be a few more parking spaces as well.

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