How will Charlbury Develop over the next 15 years?

Tony H Merry

Mon 25 Sep 2017, 12:00 (last edited on Mon 25 Sep 2017, 12:06)

Just to clarify the Meeting referred to is the Charlbury Society this Friday on the Challenge of Development in Charlbury

Neighbourhood Plan

Mon 25 Sep 2017, 11:54 (last edited on Mon 25 Sep 2017, 11:59)

We would encourage anyone with an interest in the upcoming Neighbourhood Plan to come along to this meeting

Tony H Merry

Fri 22 Sep 2017, 20:56

Thanks Julie
That sounds really good and as you say best to let them settle down for a few weeks
Could you tell me how to contact the organisers please?

Julie Ward

Thu 21 Sep 2017, 21:15

Tony, regarding how to engage our local youth and their opinions, there will be a youth club starting at the Community Centre this Friday, 7-10pm for those of secondary school age. As this is a brand new venture, I imagine it would be best to wait a couple of weeks for word to get around so that there are plenty of attendees. And then of course, permission should be sought from those organising the youth club if you planned to turn up one evening to canvas opinions. Could this be a first step?

Tony H Merry

Thu 21 Sep 2017, 19:48

Yes indeed Mark
Unfortunately the number of responses was far too small to give anything like a representative view
We would really like to engage with a greater number of young people as during this period many of them would be living with the consequences of the decisions we take now
If you have any ideasor think of ways to engage them please let me know

Mark Sulik

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 11:18

what happened to the survey that was undertaken by the under 16's when the original survey was done ?
This was also a comment made on the Neighbourhood Plan last year

Tony H Merry

Fri 15 Sep 2017, 20:56

It's a good question isn't it but that is what the Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan Team are working on
If you want to know what is going on or maybe even get involved then we are holding a drop in session in the Corner House from 2-5pm during the Street Fair
We will be there to tell you what is going on and answer questions. We may not have all the answers but we have a lot of expertise in the team so there is much we can explain.
The Plan comes from the community so we want to hear from all Charlbury residents no matter who you are so we can be sure that all opinions are considered.
So if you have an interest in our future we would like to talk to you so please drop in.

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