David Cameron (Debate)

Pearl Manners

Mon 11 Sep 2017, 11:03

Well I for one Richard will be glad when can no longer read these terrible remarks about an individual who has suffered great personal tragedy in his life.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 11 Sep 2017, 10:45

I'll keep the thread open as it's clearly something that people want to talk about, but will probably move it over to the Grease Pit later today so you can enjoy yourselves away from my nannying tendencies.

I would ask that, in future, if you want to inject a controversial side-track (like Mr Cameron) into an existing debate, it's probably kinder to start a new thread - that way you don't derail the original poster's intent but both issues can still be discussed.

Clive Gibson-Leitch

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 21:42

Before Richard closes this thread down for getting too angry, can I say two things.

Michael: don't call other Charlburians bigots. Ever. Unless you know them. And Felicity is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a bigot.

Felicity: you have made your point. David Cameron, in power, tried to close many, many public libraries, so it is odd that he should be applauding Charlbury's ability to not only maintain its library, but expand it. We get the irony/hypocrisy.

Let's get back to the original point. It is wonderful that we do, at last, have the Community Centre. Many people have worked, long and hard, to get this going. That is what we should be applauding.

graham W

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 21:13

What's Brexit to do with opening of our fantastic Community Centre?

Tony Morgan

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 21:08

And so as Rod so eloquently puts it a thread on being proud of charlbury is turned into a political forum!!!

Felicity Brooks

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 20:29

I'm afraid no one takes kindly to being called a bigot when expressing a perfectly legitimate opinion about David Cameron's government's policy on public library funding and the Brexit referendum. And in case anyone needs explanation of the reference, it was what he said to Angela Eagle, then shadow Treasury secretary in the Commons, which he tried to brush off as 'a humorous remark'.

Rod Evans

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 20:19 (last edited on Sun 10 Sep 2017, 20:22)

As I said on an earlier thread:

I sometimes wonder if there is a private game between some contributors to the Forum, known only to the initiated. A bit like the first time (all right, first few times in my case) you come across 'Mornington Crescent', you try to work out the rules. Then it came to me - this one must be called 'Python' - or how to turn a thread into Something Completely Different in as few posts as possible!

DC's politics certainly never mine either (disputatious etc) - but his speech was well intended and I thought genuinely affectionate. After all, what more has he got to lose??
And meanwhile - getting back to the question - so much to enjoy in Charlbury.

Brian Murray

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 19:51

Felicity, I don't think Mike Flanagan needs any advice about calming down. He has posted a very well written and accurate comment with which I agree 100%. David Cameron's speech was excellent - just what was needed for the occasion and I found it a pleasure to listen to as did many others.

Tony Morgan

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 17:22

Isn't this thread called 'Charlbury be proud and enjoy the day' with a major sporting event and the opening of a fantastic new facility Richard maybe you should separate into a new thread called 'find a fault with anything that happens in charlbury'

Mary Heckman

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 17:11 (last edited on Sun 10 Sep 2017, 17:14)

Definition of celebrity "a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport." "The state of being well known"
I would say Cameron fits the bill of being well Known and therefore a "celebrity"

Heather Williams

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 15:45

Celebrity he isn't, former Politician and Prime Minister he was.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 13:10

DC's politics aren't mine but it was a cracking speech, self-deprecating - "I don't get to open anything bigger than a shepherd's hut these days" - and full of praise for Charlbury. (He described us affectionately as a "disputatious lot", which I think this thread is doing a very good job of proving.) And after such a colossal effort I think the Thomas Gifford Trust should be afforded the privilege of choosing a celebrity.

On the entourage of the race - professional sport cycling and everyday, green transport cycling are very different things. As a wise man once said: "Can't we give Lance Armstrong a break? I tried riding a bike once on drugs. If anything it was a lot harder. I was in a hedge within seconds."

Felicity Brooks

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 12:36

Calm down, dear,

Michael Flanagan

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 12:21 (last edited on Sun 10 Sep 2017, 12:43)

" Why him [Cameron] I too was disappointed."

It's truly depressing that anyone in Charlbury can make such uninformed and spiteful comments about a neighbour as some beginning to crop up here.

I suspect few people in Charlbury have campaigned as intensively, consistently and at such personal expense against the…

Long post - click to read full text

Felicity Brooks

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 12:02

Sorry I missed the irony, Matthew.... You never know in Charlbury!

Amanda Epps

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 11:54

I have no objection to Freddie Jones cutting the ribbon as he and Jennie contributed to the fundraising but I think it should have been opened by someone who had a hand in resurrecting the project after the disaster of the first attempt. For me it should have been Trevor Jones and Willem Hackmann, the chair and deputy of the Thomas Gifford from 2000.

Matthew Greenfield

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 11:44

Actually, I am disappointed David Cameron didn't get even more involved with the Community Centre. He could have arranged a town referendum on the more controversial aspects of this great town facility and, when he didn't get the result he wanted, duly resigned and gone and hid in his shepherd's hut, leaving everyone else to clear up the mess! (Maybe I should have put quotation marks around the word "inspiration"...).

Heather Williams

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 11:17

I think someone else could have opened the Community Centre instead of Cameron. Why him I too was disappointed.

Felicity Brooks

Sun 10 Sep 2017, 11:07

The new community centre is fantastic and the cycle race was interesting. I am feeling proud and enjoyed both events but at the risk of sounding like a party pooper, I was shocked that a sport always cited as having great green credentials brought a few super fit cyclists and a huge entourage of motor vehicles racing through our town and countryside.
I counted over sixty cars, motorbikes, vans, emergency vehicles, etc, etc. Also I am not sure how the unwitting engineer of Brexit, and one whose government tried to close a great number of public libraries (including ours) is in any way inspirational and I was disappointed he was chosen to open a community centre that contains a library. Is it just me...?

Matthew Greenfield

Sat 9 Sep 2017, 22:34 (last edited on Sat 9 Sep 2017, 22:35)

And it was so good to see David Cameron again. The guy is such an inspiration!

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