Horse chestnut disease?

Simon Walker

Sun 3 Sep 2017, 20:54

Unfortunately it's nothing new around here. Lots of the conker trees have been affected - it's just that in some years it appears worse than in others. We've also had pretty mild winters for several years now, so maybe it's not getting cold enough to kill off the little critturs while they're hibernating.

Diana Limburg

Sun 3 Sep 2017, 20:53

Not an expert as such, but our horsechestnut has been affected by this for years. It's indeed the little white moths. They don't seem to affect the tree itself too badly, though it does look very sad with all the brown leaves. Have seen many trees affected both locally and further afield. Don't think there's anything one can do except being nice to tree to keep it structurally happy.

Helen Chapman

Sun 3 Sep 2017, 19:52

I've noticed that a lot of the horse chestnuts in Lee Place have turned colour very early and have mottled and shriveled leaves. Having googled it looks like it could be the leaf mining moth which is a serious disease affecting horse chestnuts. Can any experts comment?

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