Missing bunny

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Wed 20 Sep 2017, 10:05

Thanks for the sighting Paul - helpful to have an idea of where he might have gone.

If anyone does see it, the previous owners advised us that he does sometimes respond to being called by name (Mr Wriggles....) but that also it's pointless trying to grab him as he always legs it. I imagine catching him would involve popping a box over his head in the first instance, and then confining him somewhere until we can come and collect him.

Paul Butler

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 20:54

Hi, I saw a large grey/sandy coloured rabbit on Saturday as walking to the street fair. It was in the garden of the house directly opposite Fishers Lane on Poles Lane and looked fairly content. Sorry I didn't make a connection at the time.

Kathryn Fairhurst

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 20:27

No, he's still missing and I haven't heard that he has been seen since last Wednesday night on Crawborough. I have great faith in his resourcefulness but would really like him to come home... We'd appreciate any sightings or knowing any bad news. He is much missed by us (and his previous owners from afar).

Natasha Ely

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 20:20

did wriggles turn up and ok?

Miranda Higham

Thu 14 Sep 2017, 22:24

Perhaps bunny is planning to join The White Rabbit at The Street Fair. Seriously though, I hope he is returned safe and sound soon.

Simon Walker

Thu 14 Sep 2017, 19:52

Better check at the primary school and see if he's gone to find the fluffy bunny with the intelligent carrot. Also make sure that the folks at the station are really careful if a rabbit comes in and asks for a ticket to Weymouth.

Kathryn Fairhurst

Thu 14 Sep 2017, 19:15

He's on an adventure again having gnawed the fence and removed the chicken wire. He was on Crawborough yesterday. Please let me know if you see him (and I'd make a cake for anybody who can catch him). Thanks!

Jody O'Reilly

Mon 4 Sep 2017, 06:46

You knew you were getting a free spirit bunny Kathryn!

Kathryn Fairhurst

Sun 3 Sep 2017, 12:52

He has returned. We should have known better than to take on the care of an escapologist.

Kathryn Fairhurst

Sun 3 Sep 2017, 09:23

Our grey dwarf bunny has gone missing - this is the bunny who previously lived on Enstone Road and was often seen exploring Nine Acres. He has now moved house to Wychwood Paddocks and has done a runner. Please ring Kathryn on 07759918060 with any sightings.

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