Community Centre again

Jenny Chambers

Thu 31 Aug 2017, 17:40

In relation to the five newly planted trees (Liquidambar styraciflua 'Worplesdon'). They are looking a little stressed, a few yellow leaves etc. That is most likely due to having been planted in the middle of the growing season, in full leaf and when the youngest 'feeder' roots will, inevitably, have been damaged in the planting process. Consequently, they may drop their leaves earlier this year than they otherwise would. However, with regular watering for the next few weeks and feeding/watering in spring, they should be fine.

Marjorie Glasgow

Thu 31 Aug 2017, 16:27 (last edited on Thu 31 Aug 2017, 16:29)

Regarding Heather's question about trees below: Yes,the new Centre Manager, Jenny Chambers, is also a professional gardener/horticulturalist and she is looking after the trees.

russell robson

Thu 31 Aug 2017, 16:25

Many of you will be pleased to know that the Tory Party have block booked the centre for their annual conference for the next 5 years. This will bring a valuable income stream to the fine trustees of the Gifford organisation, and local businesses feeding , homing and supporting delegates. Traffic will be kept to a minimum with delegates being helicoptered in to Nine Acres, and Boris Johnson arriving by hot air balloon. I believe an additional upside is that party hq are looking for location for party banners around the town. These may even hang from trees or use the flag posts on various house. I can only see this as a win win for the fine towns folk of Charlbury

Heather Williams

Thu 31 Aug 2017, 16:21

One small question, is anyone watering the new trees planted? Trees need gallons of water to establish, even when you think we have had enough rain, ideally they should be watered continually especially as they will be trying to establish roots in what was a building site with lots of rubble etc., Either that or use special bags (treegators).

Mark Sulik

Thu 31 Aug 2017, 16:12

Build it and they will come !
Rod, i agree with your comment. Poison will kill you if not treated carefully and with respect.

Michael Flanagan

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 16:42

"is there funding in place to keep it looking fresh"

Does that matter?

The community centre isn't a building let out for profit by a landlord. It's a going concern run by its owners. If they're entrepreneurial and competent enough to make a decent profit, they can use some of the surplus for improvement: if they're better at fund-raising than at running a business there may be a problem.

Only in the public sector does this "ah, but will there be the funding?" nonsense crop up. Proper businesses (which is what the CC should be) keep their offer refreshed by being better at competing for customers than their competitors and managing more efficiently.

Whether they manage it in this case depends on their commercial drive and our preparedness to use their facilities.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 16:23

(This thread is a home for posts split off from the Arts Centre thread. As a result the two threads will inevitably look a bit disjointed, unless you squint at the screen. --Richard)

Rod Evans

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 12:57 (last edited on Wed 30 Aug 2017, 13:01)

I sometimes wonder if there is a private game between some contributors to the Forum, known only to the initiated. A bit like the first time (all right, first few times in my case) you come across 'Mornington Crescent', you try to work out the rules. Then it came to me - this one must be called 'Python' - or how to turn a thread into Something Completely Different in as few posts as possible!

I've fallen into the trap myself once or twice - but here I fail to see what Simon Fenn's well intentioned and entirely innocent suggestion has to do with complaints about - or praise for - the new community centre or conspiracy theories involving the Thomas Gifford Trust.

It is no criticism of anyone involved in the running of the hall to date to say that Simon's idea of a more flexible and well equipped multi-purpose / performance space is an attractive one. There's presumably no reason why that should preclude any of the activities that currently take place, while allowing for new ones and enhancing others. All I really mean is, it sounds a good idea to me, if needing support, finance etc - but I'll keep well out of the politics!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 12:18

Gordon, I didn't repost an old post. A glitch somewhere.

Paul D Jenkins

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 08:30 (last edited on Wed 30 Aug 2017, 08:32)

Paul, the simple answer is yes. The materials used are robust but the operational budget does have provision for maintenance both externally and internally and the establishment of a sinking fund. It will of course depend on the level of bookings/revenue but initial signs are very positive. It should also be noted that none of the pergola planting has yet taken place that will again soften the appearance and there is of course the development area originally reserved for the Sports and Social club to consider. This space will be developed in materials similar to the library and main entrance i.e. stone and glass and will hide the gable end. No doubt the Trust will be canvassing ideas of what could go here but suggestions to date favour a gym with affordable flats above. A whole new debate!

stephen cavell

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 08:16 (last edited on Wed 30 Aug 2017, 09:05)

It seems that there is a confusion of three issues here; the look of the building-ugly; the quality of the facilities-excellent for both the library and the sports hall; and (for me)the benefit to the wider Charlbury community- we wait and see.

Paul Taylor

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 06:37 (last edited on Wed 30 Aug 2017, 09:30)

Question is there funding in place to keep it looking fresh as with most industrial buildings of that type the paint goes dull and starts looking tatty?

Paul D Jenkins

Wed 30 Aug 2017, 00:11 (last edited on Wed 30 Aug 2017, 00:14)

Gordon- what a very sad reflection on the efforts of large parts of the Charlbury Community to create something very special in our Town. It is however accepted that there are some people that do not wish the community centre to succeed but I can assure you they are now…

Long post - click to read full text

Gordon Clemson

Tue 29 Aug 2017, 22:14

This seems to be the trend.... re-post old posts !!
More worrying, is all the talk now of an 'Arts Centre' for the War Memorial Hall, especially now that the Library has relocated from the Corner House, does this really mean a move by TGT to get their hands on both Hall and Corner House ? and swallow them into their Empire ?
May even sell them off .....?? prop up the running costs of the Spendlove Building ?
The next item will be a proposal for a joint booking system with the building at Spendlove and the thin end of the wedge appears.
One more comment, there seems to be a belief among a group of people, that all Charlbury residents are over the moon about this facility and the benefits it will bring... wrong !
The proof of course will be in 5/10 years time if the facility is still catering for local sports people or more likely groups from probably, as far as Oxford.
The impact at the front of the building has been so softened a little by the introduction of the pergola and a few tree saplings but the rear remains an absolute eyesore, especially when so much is made in Charlbury of Conservation area's, AONB and Green spaces.
Hopefully there are some real plans inlace to hide the Military installation look that blights the view fro across all of Nine Acres (sorry, Seven Acres)
The most common question is the actual number of chickens that the building will hold

Miles Walkden

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 21:12

Wow, it really IS possible to put any subject on this forum and end with complaints about the cladding on the Community center.

Tony Morgan

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 13:33 (last edited on Thu 24 Aug 2017, 13:48)

Tim I think it was you who brought up the other stuff! with your repeated digs at the Community Center in a post that's about the Memorial Hall
Gordon the Arts Center proposal had nothing to do with the TGT. I said the majority of people in Charlbury welcomed the facility, there will always be a minority who complain. As stated the appearance is what was achievable with the funds raised

Gordon Clemson

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 12:25 (last edited on Thu 24 Aug 2017, 13:23)

More worrying, is all the talk now of an 'Arts Centre' for the War Memorial Hall, especially now that the Library has relocated from the Corner House, does this really mean a move by TGT to get their hands on both Hall and Corner House ? and swallow them into their Empire ?
May even sell them off .....?? prop up the running costs of the Spendlove Building ?
The next item will be a proposal for a joint booking system with the building at Spendlove and the thin end of the wedge appears.
One more comment, there seems to be a belief among a group of people, that all Charlbury residents are over the moon about this facility and the benefits it will bring... wrong !
The proof of course will be in 5/10 years time if the facility is still catering for local sports people or more likely groups from probably, as far as Oxford.
The impact at the front of the building has been so softened a little by the introduction of the pergola and a few tree saplings but the rear remains an absolute eyesore, especially when so much is made in Charlbury of Conservation area's, AONB and Green spaces.
Hopefully there are some real plans inlace to hide the Military installation look that blights the view fro across all of Nine Acres (sorry, Seven Acres)
The most common question is the actual number of chickens that the building will hold

Harriet Baldwin

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 12:06

I hope there will be enough parking spaces, as I've heard that various eternal to charlbury groups who have made bookings are hoping that they be able to use the main car park, and that if necessary the shoppers will be stopped from parking there. Presumably their reasoning being that they're going to bring in a whole lot of people (and cars) from elsewhere.

Tony Morgan

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 11:41

And as usual Tim you are being unfair to the TGT trustees
Would you have preferred the wasteland left by the previous trustees/ town councillors, and the Fire Brigade Trust money sitting in a deposit account with limited benefit to Charlbury
As has been pointed out the loan is for external works including extra parking spaces, with the whole of the money to build the centre having been raised by the trustees

If your only complaint is that the trustees didn't raise another £1m to complete the building in cotswold stone then you're severely at odds with the vast majority of people in Charlbury who appreciate the work put in by the trustees to provide such a fantastic facility

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