French book club 16th September

Mark Luntley

Mon 28 Aug 2017, 22:10 (last edited on Mon 28 Aug 2017, 22:11)

Alliance Française d'Oxford are restarting their french bookclub. The first book of the new term is the charming "Le Chapeau De Mitterrand". The book starts with a man dining alone in a brasserie in mid 1980s Paris, when in walks the president and his entourage. After the meal the president forgets his hat, and in a moment he can't quite explain the diner - Daniel Mercier picks up the hat. Its the start of a journey through different individuals and the hat changes each of them - for the better.

Its a warm and engaging story. I'll be going to the bookclub on Saturday 16th September at 10:00am in the Anchor pub in north Oxford, so can give a couple of people a lift there and back if you are interested. The cost is £12, which includes a coffee there and a couple of hours of the teacher's time - who will lead the discussion. B1/B2 level french is probably all you'll need - there are a variety of skill levels there.

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