Volleyball in Charlbury!

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Wed 6 Sep 2023, 19:13

Apologies but we’ve had to cancel this evening’s session - the next one will be on Wednesday 13 September at 8pm.

Felicity Brooks

Tue 5 Sep 2023, 12:44

Should just add that your first session is free, if you want to try it out!

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Mon 4 Sep 2023, 16:42

Our volleyball session at Charlbury Community Centre (every Wednesday, 8pm-10pm) will be restarting again this week after the usual Summer break.

All are very welcome to this friendly, relaxed session - if you fancy playing, whatever your ability or previous volleyball experience (even none at all), feel free to come along.

Full details can be found here: website https://www.charlbury.info/community/97

Steven Fairhurst Jones
👍 2

Sun 23 Jan 2022, 21:39 (last edited on Sun 23 Jan 2022, 22:06)

hi - just a quick reminder that volleyball is still on every week at Charlbury Community Centre. We'd love some more players, whether with previous experience or none at all, so why not come along and give it a try?   

Further details can be found here: https://www.charlbury.info/community/97

Felicity Brooks
👍 1

Wed 24 Oct 2018, 17:19

It may be half-term this week, but volleyball continues as usual at the Community Centre tonight at 8pm. New players always very welcome!

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Tue 16 Oct 2018, 21:57

As the nights draw in and the season turns wetter and colder, volleyball is a great way to get some exercise and have fun without worrying about the weather! I'm re-promoting Charlbury's volleyball session at the Community Centre with that in mind.

8pm on Wednesdays at Charlbury Community Centre, no previous experience needed. Full details are here: www.charlbury.info/community/97?category=16

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Tue 18 Sep 2018, 13:24

I spoke to a few people at Street Fair who said they'd be interested in coming along to volleyball, so this is just a reminder of the session details: every Wednesday, 8pm-10pm at the Charlbury Community Centre. £5 cost, but first time free of charge. Clean indoor trainers are the only equipment needed - all levels of fitness and ability welcome.

Further details are on the community pages of this website (here: http://www.charlbury.info/community/97?category=16)

Felicity Brooks

Wed 25 Apr 2018, 19:09

Glad you enjoyed it, Kim and Chris. Looking forward to another fun session tonight at 8pm. Anyone else who wants to give it a try always very welcome!

christopher edeson

Wed 25 Apr 2018, 09:14

I meant to post this after last weeks session, it was excellent! anybody who is thinking of going but not sure (like i was) should 100% go down. I loved it and will be returning tonight :-)

Kim Sale

Thu 19 Apr 2018, 16:05

Thanks Steven,

I really enjoyed the session and my apparent lack of fitness didn't hinder too much. Thanks to everyone who made me feel so welcome :-)

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Thu 19 Apr 2018, 11:47

Many thanks to everyone who came along to yesterday's volleyball session at the Community Centre! We had a good turnout, including several welcome newcomers, and everyone joined in with a good couple of hours of friendly matches.

We'll be back next Wednesday at 8pm, and every Wednesday after, so if you were thinking of coming along yesterday but couldn't, please join us soon!

Felicity Brooks

Wed 18 Apr 2018, 10:22

Looking forward to volleyball tonight and our new start time of 8pm. Do come along if a) you've never played, b) played once or twice on holiday and would like to give it a try c) played a few times d) played a lot e)played in the past. All are very welcome to this friendly relaxed session at 8pm tonight at the Community Centre and your first session is free!

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Tue 17 Apr 2018, 15:09

hi Christopher, thanks for your message!

It's a casual session, in that you can turn up when you want and as often as you want. Depending on numbers and ambition we typically start with some warm-ups and skills practice, and then play friendly matches, to whatever level suits the people there. Even if you can't be there at 8.00, turning up is always worthwhile.

Hope to see you tomorrow!

christopher edeson

Tue 17 Apr 2018, 14:24

Hello, i would quite like to get involved with this, is it just a casual thing, or are there leagues/matches in the area? Either way i think i will try to come down tomorrow and give it a try... always love playing on holiday!

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Sat 14 Apr 2018, 09:49

After a very successful start to volleyball at the Charlbury Community Centre, we are now changing the session times to make it even more accessible. Why not come and join us? And bring some friends along too.

Starting on Wednesday 18 April the session will run from 8pm to 10pm. All are welcome!

Further details are on the community pages of this website, but in short, all you'll need are some clean trainers and comfortable sports clothes. If it's your first time the session will be free of charge.

We have experienced coaches and players who can help you to get started or to improve. Even people who've never played before will be joining in with matches before the session is over!

I hope to see you on Wednesday at 8pm!

Steven Fairhurst Jones
07879 063 934

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Wed 20 Sep 2017, 10:09 (last edited on Sat 14 Apr 2018, 09:50)

Just a reminder about tonight's volleyball session at the new Community Centre.

We've had two really good sessions since we started, with complete beginners playing matches within a very short time, and people who've played before having fun playing again right on our doorstep! Hoping for more of the same tonight.

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Thu 7 Sep 2017, 21:16 (last edited on Fri 8 Sep 2017, 11:30)

A big thank you to everyone who came along to Wednesday's volleyball session. We had 18 people there and although plenty said they'd never played before everyone picked it up really quickly. It was great to see so many happy faces, young and not so young playing together and a roughly even male/female split.

Next week's session will be 8.00-10.00 on Wednesday again. Anyone coming along for the first time can play for free, and then after the first session there will be a weekly fee of about £4 per person, on a 'pay and play' basis.

Looking forward to another good session again next Wednesday ��" see you then! Please contact me if you have any questions (07879 063 934).

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Tue 5 Sep 2017, 17:37 (last edited on Tue 5 Sep 2017, 17:38)

We've had a great response to the call for people to try volleyball - this is just a reminder that the first session is tomorrow, Wednesday 6 September, 8.00-10.00! You can turn up at any time during the session - even if you have't been in touch, please come along!

The session will be FREE of charge! And is firmly pitched as a taster session - so if you've never tried it and want to, or if you used to play and want to creak back into action, please come and play. We plan to play games and learn a few skills to help make the games even more fun.

There's no special equipment needed but please bring clean trainers - either indoor ones, or if outdoor ones give the soles a wipe clean. And bring some water or other drink - it's an active sport!

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Miranda Higham

Mon 28 Aug 2017, 18:24 (last edited on Mon 3 Feb 2020, 13:48)


Felicity Brooks

Mon 28 Aug 2017, 17:50

Wow, haiku and volleyball! Thanks, Miranda! Just an update to confirm that we will be running a drop-in volleyball taster session for free at the community centre between 8 and 10pm on Wednesday September 6th. Suitable for anyone who would like to give it a try, learn the basics or just play a friendly game. Skills in haiku not required (though very welcome). Please spread the word. It's great that we now have such fantastic facilities for indoor volleyball right on our doorstep, so let's make good use of them.

Miranda Higham

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 18:25 (last edited on Mon 3 Feb 2020, 13:48)


Steven Fairhurst Jones

Tue 22 Aug 2017, 21:13

Thanks Sharon!

Felicity and I were lucky enough to have a tour round the new Community Centre today, and wow it's amazing! It seems bigger inside than out, and is perfect for volleyball - we can hardly believe our luck that we have it right here in Charlbury, and it's really inspired us to do the best we can to get the sport up and running here.

We've had quite a good response to my original post, which is great - more players please!

We also spoke to a few people in town today who said "but volleyball's not for me, I'm too old/short/unfit etc." to which we've said absolutely not, anyone can join in and enjoy it. It's not all about athleticism and being tall, and in our case it's not about bikinis and beaches either (that's beach volleyball, this is the indoor team version)!

So hopefully a few more people can be encouraged to come and give it a try, and make the best use of the fantastic new sports hall we've got.

sharon harris

Sun 20 Aug 2017, 19:41

love to give it ago sent message

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Sun 20 Aug 2017, 08:41

Fancy playing volleyball at the new Charlbury Community Centre? Then a new session starting soon, on Wednesdays from 9pm-10pm, is your chance!

Volleyball is one of the best and most popular sports in the world, and it's growing quickly in this country. Whether you've never played before and want to give it a go, or you haven't played since you were at school or on holiday, this new session gives you the opportunity to come and try!

The plan is to offer a friendly, relaxed session with a focus on helping everyone to learn, improve and join in. This indoor version of the sport can be played by all ages and abilities, and is one of the few where men and women routinely play together. We expect it to cost about £5 a week, or much less if more people come along.

The session will be led by Felicity Brooks and I. We both have years of experience playing and coaching volleyball and can run a session according to your ability and ambition.

Interested? Please e-mail me through the website, or call or text me on 07879 063 934.

Steven Fairhurst Jones

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