New Black Bins with Electric Blue Lids

Rosemary Bennett

Tue 8 Aug 2017, 15:08 (last edited on Mon 14 Aug 2017, 14:59)

At least the new bins could have been made out of ecologically sound materials. (How can these plastic monsters be justified?) Shame on the Council for buying tons more plastic 'goods'. The irony of recycling bins being fabricated out of hard, coloured plastic has not passed me by.

Mary Robson

Tue 8 Aug 2017, 13:52

There's two spare, having been left at the empty houses on Woodstock Road which are due to demolished this month!

Mel Howard

Mon 7 Aug 2017, 22:51

Has Charlbury now received all of the new recycle bins? we havn't received any out at Walcot House ..

Peter Bridgman

Mon 7 Aug 2017, 22:49

To add injury to the situation I now have 2 brand new black wheelie bins with beautiful shiny blue lids. It seems that the blokes that delivered them thought I had two houses! I telephoned the council the day they were delivered and they said they would come and collect the extra one but no action so far. Perhaps I could drill some holes in the bottom and grow parsnips in it??!!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 7 Aug 2017, 22:09

To be really trendy, you could stand it on bricks and call it a raised bed.

Perhaps we could arrange a collection point where people who don't want to keep their black boxes can bring them, and raised bedders can collect them!

I agree the blue is hideous. Perhaps it is a political statement? Then I like it even less!

Ann Harper

Mon 7 Aug 2017, 22:00

Back in the day when I was a little girl I can remember my Mum reminding my Dad to put out our family's one metal dustbin for collection. Now as a single unit I have 2 large garden wheelie bins (one will have to go), one smaller rubbish bin, one large caddy for cooked food and a smaller one for compost and we now have to keep a black box as well for bottles. Visiting friends and family have a job to keep up. Is this progress?

And now ... roll of drums we have a new large wheelie bin for our recycling complete with a garish electric blue lid which doesn't look right in the Cotswolds especially as people with no side return will probably have to leave them on the pavement.

I would suggest, however, that anyone with a spare black box might consider growing vegetables in it after adding a few more drainage holes. Mad idea? Not according to Monty Don a couple of weeks ago on Gardeners' World who was using an old wine box and an old rusty bath to grow baby carrots and 'cut and come again' lettuce. So worth a try as a bag of lettuce from the supermarket usually goes soggy on me before I can finish it. Flowers would look good too.

This will keep us all amused until wheelie bins take over the world.

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