Please be aware this happened to my friend last night

Lucy Mitchell

Sat 29 Jul 2017, 19:32

Thank you very much for sharing this Sharon. It's so important to share these things and like you said, help one another to stay safe. I'm glad no harm came to you, but very scary.


Wed 26 Jul 2017, 15:52

Just had man slowly drive behind me from spendlove carpark up the enstone road he then stopped and ask if I need a lift as I look like I'm going far .... I said no mate I'm ok thanks not far. He drove of but pulled in up the road,stopped the engine and turned lights off. I ducked in to nine acres until he'd gone .this was frigging horrid and really scary to be fair as I honestly think he thought I was a teenager as was wearing hoodie, cropped skinny jeans n and a rucksack on me back. It might be completely innocent but then again it might not. It was not under a light but was a dark car , possibly a Mondeo starting with Y and there was 06 in it. Was too freaked out to take photo as just wanted to get home safe. Please all females take care , stay safe and share police have been informed.

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