Baby items for refugee families in Greece and France

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 26 Jul 2017, 11:57 (last edited on Wed 26 Jul 2017, 16:28)

Thank you for donations already of a travelling cot and a pushchair.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 26 Jul 2017, 07:32

Collection from Didcot has been arranged. Thank you to the two people who offered.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 25 Jul 2017, 13:18

Charlbury Refugee Action Group has just had this request from our friends in Witney. It's part of an appeal for baby gear for refugees.

This is for help with a collection:

Morning! Is anyone driving to Didcot in the next few days? We've been offered a travel cot from a nice lady but it needs picking up from her house (along broadway if I remember correctly) and bringing back to Witney. Please and thanks.

And this is a more general appeal:

Travel Cots please...
High Wycombe Helping Others are sending their amazing baby boxes to Greece, and are also requesting portable travel cots for the older babies (who are also 'living' in tents)
Second hand is great, but please give them a once over before donating to make sure they are in good working condition so there is no disappointment on arrival.
If you would like to help but don't have a travel cot, baby items will also always be well received... items such as nappies, wipes, muslin cloths, dummies, calpol, baby wash etc. These will be added to the baby boxes given out to new mums.
Thank you lovely folk!

If anyone in Charlbury can help out, it will be much appreciated. Please email

Donations can be left at Waterstones in Witney, or we can arrange a drop-off or collection in Charlbury.

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