Street Fair stalls

Leah Fowler

Thu 20 Jul 2017, 09:44

Thankyou for your prompt reply

Katie Ewer

Thu 20 Jul 2017, 09:19

Hi Leah. I am the stalls co-ordinator for Street Fair this year and there is some confusion here. I have been in email contact with Ann Davidson who originally booked the stall with me and there is no problem with the Churches Together raffle. There wasn't much information on the booking form when I got it, but as it is only to raffle 12 bottles of wine, it will obviously not be a problem. Sorry for any confusion.

Helen- there will be several different tombola type stalls running again this year, run by local groups including the football club and the primary school. As you say, they are very popular with the kids- I can check whether we will have tinned peaches available :-)

Helen Wilkinson

Thu 20 Jul 2017, 08:43

I can see no reason why a tombola would conflict with the main raffle.
One my fondest memories of the street fair as a small child was the excitement of checking numbers at a street fair tombola and the thrill of winning, even if it was something like a dusty tin of peaches! I seem to recall there being several tombola stalls, and we would seriously consider the desirability of the prizes on offer before spending pocket money. In no way did it conflict with the main raffle, which was of no interest to me.

Leah Fowler

Thu 20 Jul 2017, 07:52

I have supported the Street Fair in various capacities for 56 years, for the last few years I have run a Tombola type raffle for the Churches Together stall, this raises £120 however this year I have been told that I cannot run this as "It may interfere with the main raffle"

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