Tony H Merry |
Wed 2 Aug 2017, 19:21 Thanks Richard forgot that |
Richard Fairhurst
(site admin) |
Wed 2 Aug 2017, 10:45 As ever, the WODC planning site doesn't really do linking, but the relevant bits are that the application has been refused for these reasons: "The proposed development, by reason of its scale, siting, form and appearance would appear as a visually incongruous feature within this part of the Charlbury Conservation Area and would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the area. Furthermore, the development would unacceptably urbanise the generally low density, loose knit character and appearance which would not respect the existing scale, pattern and character of development in this semi rural location. "The development proposal by reason of its siting outside of the established built up limits of the settlement, on the edge of town, rural countryside setting, will appear as an incongruous and overly urban feature and will erode the rural character of the area and defined settlement edge, therefore adversely affecting the landscape setting of the town and the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and thereby failing to conserve the scenic beauty of the Cotswolds AONB." |
Tony H Merry |
Wed 2 Aug 2017, 08:38 A decision has been made on this application already see |
Tony H Merry |
Fri 21 Jul 2017, 22:21 I would like to add something here. |
Christine Battersby |
Thu 20 Jul 2017, 11:39 The Ditchley development site came through in 2 stages: first 6 houses, then 4. This was, I understand, because the land was sold off in two stages. As such, any attempt to get round the requirement to contribute to social housing or pay some money to the community in recompense for the total was more concealed. This particular property developer, Empire Homes Ltd, is described by estate agents as a local family firm, and certainly has a long history in applying to build housing estates across the WODC area. The main shareholder is based in Kidlington, but there are family connections to Stonesfield also. I see they applied for a loan to acquire Sturt Furlong, Sturt Road, Charlbury back in 1999. Various planning applications are linked to that site, some of which were successful, others withdrawn. No documents about these applications show up online. Their recent planning application to build an access road for 41 new houses at Sunset View, Upavon, Carterton ran into so many objections that it was withdrawn in May this year, but they have been more successful in Stonesfield (Farley Way, 13 houses), Long Hanborough and elsewhere. |
K Harper |
Thu 20 Jul 2017, 09:17 And did the same thing happen at Ditchley? |
Mark Hofman |
Thu 20 Jul 2017, 08:55 (last edited on Thu 20 Jul 2017, 08:59) It may be of interest that last year the developer applied to build one house on the site and permission was granted by the WODC. This year the developer has the following to say:"Policy H3 of the emerging local plan requires medium-scale housing schemes of 6-10 units within the Cotswolds AONB to make a financial contribution towards the provision of affordable housing off-site within the District.There is an extant planning permission for the erection of one detached dwelling within the curtilage of The Grange. The net increase in the number of dwellings arising from the current proposal will be five. The policy does not require a contribution from small-scale developments of 1-5 units."
Simon Walker |
Tue 18 Jul 2017, 19:23 In case the link shown does not work (as I didn't when I tried it), the planning reference for this is 17/01893/FUL. |
Rosemary Bennett |
Tue 18 Jul 2017, 17:25 Yet another 'greedy' development where the single criterion is profit. Am I surprised? |
Pearl Manners |
Fri 14 Jul 2017, 18:09 (last edited on Sat 15 Jul 2017, 08:00) Yes I had seen it Helen. I am actually lost now and wonder if the previous applications which I believe had been accepted are actually going ahead for the 'affordable homes' at Rushy Bank, off Woodstock Road, and Lee's Heights ,I would imagine most of new applications are for private homes and not for our Charlbury families who are still looking for homes to rent or part buy.
Helen Chapman |
Fri 14 Jul 2017, 17:30 I don't know if this one has slipped under the radar of forum users or not, but just in case this is a plan for 6 large houses off the Woodstock Road: |
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