Footpath to Spendlove from behing Nine Acres Tennis courts

Simon Walker

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 19:59

In answer to Andrew's questions, the link from the footpath to the Co-Op along the front of the new Community Centre will be reopened once construction work is complete and it is safe to do so. Please remember that this link - like several others in Charlbury - is not an official footpath.

As regards lighting, the front of the Community Centre will have lights, while the rest of the footpath alongside the tennis courts does not fall within the project area. If anyone particularly wants that stretch of path better lit, it's a question for whichever council is responsible for street lighting.

Simon Walker

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 13:13

Job done. Low overhanging branches and leaves cut back. Actually, this is the responsibility of the people in whose gardens the trees grow that overhang the footpath. The Town Proud group will tackle overgrowth (and undergrowth) that forms along the footpath, and it is really helpful if people can tell us where problems like this occur so that we can organise getting them fixed.

Jim Holah

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 12:47

Let me know if it's a 2 strimmer job....we might tackle the pavement area near the stone stile near the Enstone X roads

Marjorie Glasgow

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 12:42

Thank you, Simon.

Simon Walker

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 12:12

Don't fret folks - the cavalry's on its way. I'll go and have a look at what needs doing.

Andrew Chapman

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 11:57

This path is supposedly due to (a) reopen to the Co-op car park and (b) be improved eg with lighting, as part of the community centre work - anyone know if and when?

Tony H Merry

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 11:08

You could ask Simon Walker on the Town Proud working party see box on left as could be quicker than OCC

Alex Flynn

Wed 12 Jul 2017, 23:35 (last edited on Wed 12 Jul 2017, 23:35)

Can the web admin kindly amend the obvious typo in the subject line as I don't think "behing" is a word in the Oxford English Dictionary!

Alex Flynn

Wed 12 Jul 2017, 23:32

Just wondering does the Town Council have any plans to cut back any of the bushes in this footpath. They are currently hanging very low and prone to giving you a mouth full of insects as you try to duck an dive through them!

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