Hot desking at the old Deli in Charlbury

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Wed 12 Jul 2017, 10:41

A while back a number of us were involved in trying to get a Hot Desking facility set-up in Charlbury. It proved to be a lot of work organising everything and we didn't manage to get it going in the location we originally hoped for.

I've decided to take this on again and am intending to take over the old Deli premises and install some desks, screens, good WiFi, printer/scanner, some sofas and general things that people might need to work away from that lonely home desk either on a regular or spontaneous basis.

Please get in touch either here or via or on my mobile 07584 35 65 95 if you would like to use this facility. I hope to have it ready for use by the end of September 2017.

In addition I will be using the basement of the building to cure bacon, salami and other goodies and produce preserved and fermented vegetables. I'm hoping that eventually these will be available in Charlbury Deli and I will also be selling mail order and at local markets.

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