Time to revisit town lights ... and see stars again?

Janet Sly

Sat 27 May 2023, 21:19

(Malcolm being naughty and writing on my wife’s account because I can’t be bothered to start my laptop!)- One of the best things about the new LED light fittings and much lower electrical consumption WITH really proper Infrared and motion detectors is that you can have a lot more lights and what is more well directed with reflectors etc. This was possible 17 years ago in a French hilltop town that I recall reading about when we first moved to Charlbury in a thread about streetlights at the time. So you get the best of all worlds- more lights, closer together with probably overlapping fields, leds tuned to environmental and human friendly red frequencies, and reduced energy consumption to boot. If one uses the right sort of detectors it will light up any unsavoury types lurking in the distance too was one of the points made in the article I recall from all that time ago so in fact better security by giving away the position of anyone ahead or behind (highliting them to). It’s so long ago I don’t remember which publication but the broad outline sticks in my mind as I was aware of the stars rapidly disappearing from view.

So what’s not to like given better levels of illumination, probably better for safety, environmental improvements, cultural improvements like kids seeing the stars, human health and reduced energy consumption probably- or at least staying steady with more light fittings closer together etc? Sounds like a classic win/win situation to me and I would be willing to pay a few quid on the rates one year to implement it particularly if I get to see moths and bats again flying around my front and back gardens!! The lack of insect at night is scary!

Emily Algar
👍 4

Sat 27 May 2023, 19:46

As someone who often walks through Charlbury after midnight after catching the last train, I would actually feel safer with more streetlights. Dyers Hill is lacking streetlights as you walk up from the station amongst a few other locations. 

I know Liz Leffman talked about the WODC replacing the current streetlights with more environmentally friendly ones, which I support. I do love looking at the stars but I don't think we in Charlbury are in danger of never being able to see the stars. 

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 27 May 2023, 16:55

"Stars could be invisible within 20 years as light pollution brightens night skies. The increased use of light-emitting diodes is obscuring our view of the Milky Way as well as taking a toll on human and wildlife health"

More bad news on the Street lights front and light pollution effects…

Long post - click to read full text

Brigid Sturdy
👍 1

Tue 18 Jul 2017, 12:07

The bright orange lamps are hideous. If we must keep them, could they perhaps be switched off at midnight, perhaps leaving a few of the yellow ones on for the benefit of night wanderers?

Rosemary Bennett
👍 1

Tue 18 Jul 2017, 10:33

When we came to live here, the street lights were not very bright, and were perfectly adequate. When the new street lights were installed, the atmosphere changed. They were just too bright, and inappropriate. I have hated for years the fact that these bright street lights illuminate our little cottage from two sides, seemingly for most of, or all, the night.

Philip Ambrose
👍 1

Mon 17 Jul 2017, 20:33

Some of the worst offenders are the various sports surfaces in the locality. The CN leisure centre is a prime example. positively dazzling when one approaches from Charlbury on the B4026. Do planners not take account of such matters?

There is a balance to strike between light pollution and public safety (or perceptions thereof).

Re Liz's post, the bus driver passing through Charlbury at 02.00 has probably just put himself out of a job - no pedestrians no passengers no job!

Peter Evans
👍 1

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 18:50

As a visitor to this forum from Stonesfield I am delighted with the lack of street lights - the night sky is wonderful - If I need to go out, then a torch is fine.

Jody O'Reilly
👍 3

Thu 13 Jul 2017, 18:35

Peter, I'm sorry that what others clearly find delightful falls into appalling in your book, no option will satisfy everyone clearly. But, is it also now time to take economical and environmental factors into consideration given the benefits that partial switch off might achieve for both these factors?

Katie Ewer
👍 1

Wed 12 Jul 2017, 10:30

In Fawler, we have no street lights and it is lovely to see the night sky so brightly. There is no need for street lights in the dead of night as cars have headlights and pedestrians are so few and far between, surely individual torch ownership would be more economical than lighting up an entire town.

Peter Bridgman
👍 2

Wed 12 Jul 2017, 10:06

Please, lets have no more nonsense about plunging Charlbury into darkness. I have plenty of experience of Stonefield at night and find it appalling, groping about in the dadk. As for looking at stars, I am more concerned as to where my feet are landing rather than lookin up! Those who wish to experience darkness could surely take a walk out of town

Jody O'Reilly
👍 3

Wed 12 Jul 2017, 09:16

I grew up in Stonesfield which, back in the 1990s, had a village vote coming out strongly in favour of NOT installing street lighting - and much pleasure is still derived from the dark - and even more from the moon and starlit streets on a clear night. I like the comparative sparseness of Charlbury's lighting but would happily vote to turn them off completely, and remove the clutter of the poles. Low level and pedestrian triggered lighting would also be a good compromise for those who may feel less happy walking in the dark on uneven pavements etc - though it's never bothered me. AS for cars, if it's dark they have their headlamps on, and if they have to slow down a bit to have more time for junctions/sign reading etc, well slowing down is not a bad thing - so many of the study's out there seem to suggest that increasing uncertainty is the way to slow traffic.

Liz Reason
👍 1

Tue 11 Jul 2017, 20:53

Good idea Malcolm. OCC is looking to save money - stop spending on unnecessary lights. I've never forgotten the man that stood up at a public meeting on lighting and said that, as a bus driver that passed through Charlbury at 02.00 night after night, he'd never seen a pedestrian.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 8 Jul 2017, 00:23


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