TalkTalk phone line

Hans Eriksson

Fri 16 Jun 2017, 19:32

When calling overseas I use dial123, it's very good and cheap.

Charlie M

Fri 16 Jun 2017, 14:54

I thought AOL's internet provision was bad enough and could not get any worse, but they sold out their business to Talk Talk and now it's simply appalling, added to which they hiked the price. Also, if you use any of those special 0844 numbers to call overseas (e.g. the USA for 0.5p/min) as I do, these are blocked by Talk Talk. Fortunately I refused to transfer my phone to Talk Talk, so that is not an issue for me.

Susie Burnett

Fri 16 Jun 2017, 13:43

Our internet is supplied by Talk Talk and has been on and off for the past week or so, running very slowly if and when it does run at all.


Fri 16 Jun 2017, 11:36

My parents are also having problems since yesterday evening with the phone line there internet is also working just wondering if your problem has been resolved?

Roy Coates

Wed 14 Jun 2017, 15:14

Our talk talk phone line is down - no dialling tone. But our talk talk internet works. Anybody else having a problem. Talktalk have diverted landline calls to our mobile and say 'engineer on way' but nothing yet.

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