Charlbury Community Centre Buy-a-Brick scheme

Tanya Stevenson

Thu 8 Jun 2017, 17:30 (last edited on Thu 8 Jun 2017, 19:31)

Due to a mistake on my part the email address listed in the Charlbury Chronicle for joining the Buy-a-Brick scheme is wrong. It should read (I missed the hyphen). So sorry. If you'd like to buy a brick there's still time; but only until the end of June, so please hurry. You can use this form: or simply email Ed at or me by clicking on my name.
A list of all the people who've bought a brick so far was published in the latest Chronicle on p.20. Please check you are on there and that we have recorded your details correctly. We will put a link to an updated version of this list on the forum shortly as a lot of people have joined the scheme recently. Apologies again about my mistake and thank you for your support.

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