Festival f lags

Rachel Cooper

Tue 6 Jun 2017, 21:35

It was like a scene from the wizard of oz in market street this afternoon.

Tony Lloyd

Tue 6 Jun 2017, 19:06

Well the gales have certainly been a challenge for the 120 Festival flags as well as all the trees around town. I believe only one of the poles has been dislodged - we hammered wedges in too make them a tight fit. They are very lightweight plastic tubes and seem to be standing up to the force so far. We have lost a number of the flags. If you could drop any stray flags in to the Corner House entrance hall we will pick them up from there.

Helen Chapman

Mon 5 Jun 2017, 13:27

Slightly concerned to see a flag on the ground on Sheep St just now - had it fallen down? If they aren't properly stable they could be dangerous.

Helen Wilkinson

Sat 3 Jun 2017, 20:18

Tickets for most Festival events are still available and bookings being taken for the workshops - do have another look at the program and join in!

Michael Flanagan

Sat 3 Jun 2017, 14:47

They look amazing.

Who organised the perfect breezy weather to make them flutter so impressively?

Brilliant idea, impeccably executed this morning. Congratulations to the team.

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