Mill Field

Tony H Merry

Fri 28 Sep 2018, 16:48

The Mill Field Management Plan is now available to read here
Also the Cotswold voluntary Wardens have agreed to buy a new kissing gate which is buggy and wheelchair compatible and install it in place of the existing kissing gate by the weir
Also the bank repair is now fully complete

Philip Ambrose

Tue 13 Feb 2018, 12:05 (last edited on Tue 13 Feb 2018, 12:07)

Unless I'm mistaken an earlier post by RB seemed to suggest that people should not be allowed to park at the bottom of Pound Hill did it not. "Big cars, big dogs" etc. Respect your opinion re bridge, but disagree.
I wasn't suggesting a vehicle bridge.

Rosemary Bennett

Tue 13 Feb 2018, 11:41 (last edited on Tue 13 Feb 2018, 11:44)

Philip, what's all that about? I was simply referring to an earlier remark about the mill field, and local people. Did I say anything about stopping anybody else from using it? No, I definitely did not.
You think a bidge is a good idea, I don't think so. I can say that, can't I. It's my opinion.

Philip Ambrose

Mon 12 Feb 2018, 20:08

Thanks for the link Tony. Don't quite see the safety concerns about a bridge, safer than walking up Pound Hill where there is no footpath or even a verge to step onto.

Re the post about big cars, big dogs and people who live beyond walking distance, maybe some do, but still live within the confines of Charlbury parish and (I would suggest) have as much right to enjoy the Mill Field as anyone else. I am fortunate that I live within walking distance. The gravel path is a big improvement on the very slippery one that it replaced. Hopefully most if not all dog owners ensure their dog is on a lead well before reaching a roadway. As for a bridge being "a really bad idea" - I don't think many folk regret Jubilee Bridge now.

Tony H Merry

Mon 12 Feb 2018, 16:52

Thank you for all those who responded to the draft with comments and suggestions
The consultation will close on Thursday 15th February so that a summary of responses can be prepared for the Town Council
In case you still have not seen it here is a shorter link
All comments received will be considered

Tony H Merry

Sat 27 Jan 2018, 14:08

On behalf of the Town Council I am pleased to say the draft consultation document for the Mill Field Management Plan has now been released and is available here
If you have any comments on this can you please address them to the Town Clerk so they can be considered in preparing the final version of the Plan

Rosemary Bennett

Wed 21 Jun 2017, 15:54 (last edited on Sat 1 Jul 2017, 16:47)

As anticipated!
I'm sorry to be a stick in the mud but I really dislike the gravel path. I liked the muddy path, it was real.

Susie Burnett

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 22:38 (last edited on Tue 20 Jun 2017, 22:38)

They had gone beyond the canoe club and parked on the track just as the path turns left towards the weir bridge (where it is gravelled). They were facing back towards the town, so must have reversed up the track. I suspect this has only been possible due to the lack of rain recently!

Tony H Merry

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 22:18

it all depends where they were driving to
The canoe club can drive to their location
To go further than that which i have driven in my car gets increasingly difficult
if you could say where you saw them it would be helpful

Alan Cobb

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 21:47

Watery Lane is a restricted byway, so unless the car driver had permission from the land owner or a private right of access, it was not legal to drive along it.

Louise Whitehead

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 20:19

I was also surprised to hear a car driving up watery lane at 9pm last night....

Susie Burnett

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 16:30 (last edited on Tue 20 Jun 2017, 16:33)

At the weekend, we noticed a car being driven all the way along Watery Lane and then parked at the (much appreciated!) newly gravelled pathway to the weir and top access to Mill Field. Is this permitted? Seems dangerous to have cars driving so far up the lane when young children/walkers/swimmers/dogs around.

Tony H Merry

Mon 5 Jun 2017, 21:13

Great response so far 19 in all please keep it going
for results see
All answers will be considered when putting together our plans

Rosemary Bennett

Tue 30 May 2017, 15:12 (last edited on Tue 30 May 2017, 15:31)

A bridge? What for, other than for people with big cars and big dogs, who don't live quite locally enough to walk down to the fields. In other words, an obviously irresistible invitation to the whole county (you did say that the land was left for the local people of Charlbury) to an easily accessible, enormous doggy toilet. I would like to strongly endorse the comments previously stated about dogs running out onto Pound Hill. Surely a hazard for drivers? Please, not a bridge, it's a really bad idea. With the enlargement and urbanisation of Charlbury over the last few decades, and the ensuing loss of many green spaces and ancient orchards and gardens, can we just leave something that is special, alone?

Michael Flanagan

Mon 29 May 2017, 07:54

Be careful what you wish for...

The current messiness of Watery Lane means relatively few dogs are allowed to venture along it. And because most of those who do are regulars on the Mill Field, their owners are acutely aware how dangerous the exit onto Pound Hill is, and try to supervise the scamps. Most of us scarcely use it at all between Oct and May anyway. It all sort of works in a hugger-mugger, Charlbury-esque, kind of way.

Build a bridge strong enough for Riverside rigs, gate access at the bottom of Pound Hill to both Mill Field and Watery Lane, chuck gravel onto Watery Lane itself: before we know where we are we'll have turned a scruffy, charming local feature only farmers use year-round into another suburban amenity.

Not saying we shouldn't do it. But we all need to understand where apparently good ideas can lead.

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 29 May 2017, 03:26

Thought about dogs - problem isn't just dogs getting over Mill stream, but dogs exiting straight onto Pound Hill directly off Water Lane and laybye. Any gating etc. would have to be done AFTER any crossing point before the PH road.

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 29 May 2017, 03:22

Ive been muttering about a bridge for over 12 years... Would there be a way to do it so that one could be a part structure for a vehicle capable bridge as required for the Riverside fest, I wonder. Reduce annual events costs a bit?

Tony H Merry

Sun 28 May 2017, 09:54

I would like to thank all those who responded to the survey but it would be good to hear from more people see
There are some good suggestions but we do have to think where we could get the money to do some of these but keep them coming!

Philip Ambrose

Fri 26 May 2017, 12:27

Great idea if combined with an upgrade to Watery Lane. It would make a safe traffic free circular walk from Station Hill onto Mill Field, up to Jubilee Bridge, along Watery Lane and back onto the Mill Field.

Better than a ferry service if I recall local history correctly!

Liz Leffman

Thu 25 May 2017, 11:11 (last edited on Thu 25 May 2017, 11:12)

I would be worried about a bridge over to Pound Hill, as dogs could run over it and get onto the road. It would have to be gated in some way.

Marjorie Glasgow

Thu 25 May 2017, 09:10

Hats off to those involved with the upkeep and new work on Mill Field and the path through to Watery Lane. The new gravel pathway looks great - the field, bridge and footpath are a treasure for the town. Thank you.

Tony H Merry

Thu 25 May 2017, 09:06

I have now set up a survey for young people to add comments just click on this
So if you know any young people who use the field please encourage them to reply

Jackie Hague

Wed 24 May 2017, 11:43

I agree with Andrew, a bridge crossing from Pound Hill to Mill Field would be terrific.

Tony H Merry

Wed 24 May 2017, 10:58

Yes I agree Meryl and of course we did not reach them with the survey. I am not sure how to do this but think online would be the best way. I could easily set something up where they could leave comments and then ask parents to let their children know the link - I think that could work with the IT savvy generation and would be easy to do

Liz Leffman

Wed 24 May 2017, 10:30 (last edited on Wed 24 May 2017, 10:30)

Good point, Meryl. Very important to get the views of young people in the town as it belongs just as much to them.

Meryl Smith

Wed 24 May 2017, 09:39

Refreshingly (in more than one sense of the word!) a good number of young people use the field for hanging out and socialising (and swimming near the bridge). Is there a way of ensuring that we get their views?

Andrew Chapman

Wed 24 May 2017, 06:50

It would be brilliant if there were a bridge across the river from Pound Hill to Mill Field.

Claire Wilding

Tue 23 May 2017, 22:53

May I suggest that the entrance gate to the Mill field could be altered to make it accessible to pushchairs? Options for walks with a buggy round Charlbury are a bit limited due to kissing gates and unsuitable tracks, so it would be nice to be able to access the Mill field.

Birgit den Outer

Tue 23 May 2017, 21:25

Oh, that's alright then :-)

Tony H Merry

Tue 23 May 2017, 20:52 (last edited on Tue 23 May 2017, 20:56)

indeed Birgit which is why I have written this
'The Mill field is an area which was given to the Town for the enjoyment of all local people. This is a great recreational asset for the Town The main challenge in the management of the Millfield is to accommodate very wide variety of different groups of users especially where there may be some different priorities.
So we will have to balance all these different activities.'
So I hope this is not ominous to anyone

Birgit den Outer

Tue 23 May 2017, 19:58 (last edited on Tue 23 May 2017, 19:59)

Management plan? It sounds ominous. I hope the use of the field is kept as is: for (dog) walkers, anglers, canoeists, and the odd music festival. And the glorious wild life.

Tony H Merry

Tue 23 May 2017, 10:14

A group of us on Town Council are in the process of updating the management plan for this public space. I am the Councillor with responsibility for the Mill Field, bridges and Water Lane so I am collecting views and comments.
I have spoken to the canoe club and some dog owners and we will also be taking advice from BBOWT and from Wychwood Flora Group and I am of course aware of walkers' views. I have not been able to contact any anglers yet.
If anyone has any suggestions or comments about the use of the field then I would like to hear from you before we put together the plan which you will then have a chance to comment on. We will be presenting it to the June Town Council meeting on Wednesday 28th June

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