Rodney Rose

Trevor Taylor

Fri 12 May 2017, 20:27

I have no reason to believe that Rodney Rose's contribution to the County Council was driven by nothing but altruistic and selfless motives. However I am not comfortable with the wording of one post: "One hopes, too, that some people will be able to feel sympathy towards him for having the greatest interest in his life taken away by the power of political ambition." Political ambition? Did he not have political ambition when he first sought office? I think it was not political ambition which unseated Mr. Rose but democracy.

Liz Leffman

Fri 12 May 2017, 17:04 (last edited on Fri 12 May 2017, 17:05)

Having just returned from my induction at the County Council, I have nothing but praise for the work Rodney has done over the years on behalf of all of us. The County Council deals with very complex issues, and I hope that I will learn quickly and be able to fill the big shoes that Rodney has vacated. I will be finding my way around for a bit, but I approach this role as I do every political role I stand for with a strong desire to serve my community. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything that I can help with.

Peter Kenrick

Fri 12 May 2017, 14:39

Having had dealings with both Rodney and Liz in my role as a town councillor I have nothing but praise and thanks for the hard work and commitment that both of them have demonstrated on behalf of Charlbury and the local area. In my opinion we were fortunate indeed to have had two such excellent candidates to choose from last week.
I have already contacted both of them personally but I would like to record my true thanks to Rodney for all of his efforts under challenging circumstances, both in terms of personal health and the unprecedented pressures on local government. Best wishes for the future Rodney.
At the same time, my congratulations to Liz and I look forward to working with you on county as well district matters.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 12 May 2017, 11:28

That's nicely put, David, thank you. One ill-judged leaflet from the agent shouldn't obscure Rodney's years of work.

David K. May

Fri 12 May 2017, 10:29

Upset about the apparent innuendo perceived in the last leaflet put out in support of Rodney Rose is understandable. It would be wrong, however, to interpret this as a slur on the excellent work that Liz Leffman does. Rodney himself has spoken publicly in admiration of the great contribution she makes.

What the leaflet was trying to make clear is the outstanding commitment Rodney has given to his important roles on the council over many years, a council generally regarded as one of the most successful in the country. He has done so without any other outside interest and he has had no overriding desire to do anything else other than fulfil his duties there on our behalf. Quite simply, this humble, modest and unassuming man has given so many years of his life exclusively to this work.

What we should be doing is showing our gratitude to him for his singular commitment to serve us all for the last twenty years and to admire his courage in being prepared, despite recent serious illness, to offer himself for another term of dedicated duty. One hopes, too, that some people will be able to feel sympathy towards him for having the greatest interest in his life taken away by the power of political ambition.

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