Calling Orchestral Players

Jenny Howe

Tue 9 May 2017, 23:25

I have recently joined The Fosseway Café Orchestra which meets on Tuesdays at the village hall in Stretton On Fosse GL56 9SR from 9.45- 12.15 mostly in term times. Their conductor, Christine, is a performing violinist, singer and recorder player with many years experience of encouraging thoroughly stylistic results.

They play a wide variety of simple classical pieces. Players are normally grade 4-7, but they welcome those returning with 4 or more reliable notes and Christine will organise special parts to assist with resuming confidence.

They currently have a good spread of instruments but always need more string players. A normal rehearsal has around 20 players. You are invited to perform 2 or 3 times a year in local friendly appreciative settings.

There is good free parking at the village hall. The charge for running costs and music is £25 per term or £3 per week or there is a concession if you travel more than 50 miles. After 2 sessions you must become a member of a U3A of your choice.

If you would like any further information, you can either contact myself or Christine directly on: 07967 423550

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