Charlbury Community Centre

Pearl Manners

Tue 9 May 2017, 17:06

On my visit to the Coop just now I noticed the correct name on the 'Charlbury Community Centre' and it looks very good indeed.

vicky burton

Tue 9 May 2017, 15:42

Agreed Tony; the time to question any name, is before the signage has been paid for and created!

Tony Morgan

Mon 8 May 2017, 14:16

Its apparent that I'm not going to get a straight answer from the Town Council to the direct questions I asked in my first post, and I think the 'jokes' are now getting a bit flat. I'll therefore leave people to make up their own minds about the motivation behind the town council sending a representative to the trustee meeting to suggest a change of name after the signage was in place.

Charlie M

Mon 8 May 2017, 13:28

I think it could be called Liz, after our new county councillor. Much less pompous and much more friendly than "The Something Centre" type of name ...

Tony Morgan

Mon 8 May 2017, 12:07

John I think you'd be less flippant if you'd put the time & effort in that the Gifford Trustees have, only to be met with petty sniping
No wonder Charlbury is struggling to get people to participate

John Werner

Mon 8 May 2017, 10:23

Finally we really DO have a very real and obviously a life-changing problem on our own doorsteps. We need to gather all our brainiest people and let them sort this huge THING out! How lucky we are to have problems like this one!?!?!?!

Angus B

Sun 7 May 2017, 15:25 (last edited on Sun 7 May 2017, 23:07)

"Just a brief point of information: Charlbury does not have any 'elected representatives'. At the last election all nominees were elected unopposed as there were not enough people willing to stand."

They were still 'elected' whether they were opposed or not; you used the word yourself!

graham W

Sun 7 May 2017, 14:20

Thankfully it's not called the Charlbury Recreational And Public Building! Leave it as the Charlbury Community Centre,

Tony Morgan

Sun 7 May 2017, 13:44

Another point of information the Charlbury Community Centre relied totally on volunteers to provide their time & expertise to raise 2m and build the facility.
The Town Councillors, might have 'pondered' on this before their ill timed intervention.
Phil are you suggesting because the councillors were elected unopposed they can't be held to account for their actions?

Phil Morgan

Sun 7 May 2017, 12:57

Just a brief point of information: Charlbury does not have any "elected representatives". At the last election all nominees were elected unopposed as there were not enough people willing to stand.
Some commentators might like to ponder on this paradox.
Our form of democracy relies on volunteers.
Meanwhile, there is still a vacancy on the Town Council.

Tony Morgan

Sun 7 May 2017, 12:30

The point is not the name, it is that the town councillors, & those with suggestions, waited until the building was erected & the signage attached before suggesting a change. Were they seriously suggesting that additional money should be spent taking the signage down & replacing it.
I don't think it should be necessary to join the town council to be able to hold our elected representatives to account for their actions, particularly a group that acts in this manner

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sun 7 May 2017, 09:48

Gifford Centre sounds perfect, Sue.

Wendy Bailey

Sat 6 May 2017, 20:50

In response to the comments about councillors not responding.. I know there is a vacancy. Perhaps filling it might get the answers you want?
On the actual name... surely "it" will be known as what ever the users/community call it. And does it really matter as long as it gets used?

Sue Normand

Sat 6 May 2017, 18:44

I think mentioning the name Gifford would be good since it was originally his money/forethought. Gifford Barn... The Gifford Centre?

Rod Evans

Sat 6 May 2017, 16:02

You might well say that Mr Merry. I of course could not possibly comment!

(Nor will I on the rest of this discussion - save that, as someone uninvolved, a rose by any other name....?)

Tony Morgan

Sat 6 May 2017, 15:51

I guess some people will find the comments of one of our town councillors amusing, but I think the trustees & others who have raised funds for the Community Centre,would like one of our elected representatives to answer the question as to why they chose to question the name at this ridiculously late stage, or do I have to write formally to the town clerk to get any kind of sensible response

Tony H Merry

Fri 5 May 2017, 22:23

In fact there are a number of us who were actually hippies in our younger years!

vicky burton

Fri 5 May 2017, 17:35

Good! The Spendlove Centre sounds way too hippy for Charlbury!

Tony Morgan

Fri 5 May 2017, 15:39 (last edited on Fri 5 May 2017, 15:54)

Phil I still fail to see the logic of making a name change suggestion to the trustees after the signage etc is finished and paid for & all the fund raising etc was done under that name. The timing seems very petty to me after everything that has been achieved out of the wreckage left by the town council 20 years ago. Maybe the point would have had more validity if it had been raised sometime over the last 20 years. Not surprised there are no heads above the parapet

Phil Morgan

Fri 5 May 2017, 15:21

Gor blimey Tony, Tim et al.... this seems to be a case of "knickers" and "twist".
As nobody else on the Town Council wants to put their head above the parapet, I will attempt to explain.
The item appeared under 'reports to the Council' and members discussed whether "The Spendlove Centre" could be a suitable name for a building which will stand for at least a hundred years on the site of the former Spendlove school.
The councillor who represents the Council on the Gifford Trust's board was asked to carry this suggestion to the Gifford trustees.
This was never a 'resolution' as some people have termed it - it was a suggestion. The Gifford trustees have rejected the idea and that's fine.
Having spent a lovely few hours at Ditchley today and parted with more money than I care to think about, I am still basking in the glow of what Margie and the TGC team have achieved.
Personally, I couldn't give a damn what it's called... it's brilliant!

vicky burton

Fri 5 May 2017, 15:09

Can we not please everyone by naming it The Charlbury Community Sports Shed?

Tony Morgan

Fri 5 May 2017, 11:47 (last edited on Fri 5 May 2017, 11:52)

Brian the vote was taken at a meeting open to the public with strong backing for it from Liz Reason & Nick Potter
I repeat my question to the council as to their reason, their timing & their commitment to fund the extra costs which would be incurred at this late stage

Tim its actually the town's baby as the majority have consistently confirmed in votes & meetings

Brian Murray

Fri 5 May 2017, 08:59

I seem to have missed something on the question of the name change and I'm interested to know how anyone learnt of the Town Council's vote to change the name. I've looked at the agendas for the council's April and May meetings and can see no reference to the subject. Also, can anyone tell me, does the council have a new name in mind?

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Fri 5 May 2017, 08:55 (last edited on Fri 5 May 2017, 12:04)

As it's the Gifford's trust baby why not call it the "Thomas Gifford sports Hall" ?

Meraud Ferguson Hand

Fri 5 May 2017, 08:20

I think the new building's beauty is in its purpose(s).

Community Centre seems better than Sports Hall: as a library volunteer looking forward to a more flexible space for the community to make use of the library, 'Sports Hall' makes less sense to me. Unless you call it 'Charlbury Library & Sports Hall' of course ;)

(Though I also quite like 'Tin Shed'.)

Diana Limburg

Fri 5 May 2017, 07:38

My perspective: I think it's a facility built for and by the community. The Charlbury community already has some other facilities as well, in the shape of Corner House, Shed, Memorial Hall. The new facility includes a big sports hall (small sports halls are of little use). I can see no reason why it's not a community centre: one created by and for the community, where the community can do a variety of activities, including lots of sports, which is great for Charlbrarians of all ages. I personally really like the signage and name! I can understand that those who've personally put in a lot of effort to gain the funding and realise a much needed community facility are surprised about this discussion and rightly ask questions about the town council vote. I'd like to hear where that came from too.

stephen cavell

Fri 5 May 2017, 07:00

I am with Jon Carpenter's comment. The concept for this project may have stared out as a a Community project (and I went to the earlier meetings)but over time has morphed into a Sports Hall. I have just reread Paul Jenkins entry under the thread 'Talk of the Town' where he explains that 'the significant area of the building is dedicated to a sports hall and we comply with the minimum dimensions of Sport England who have contributed £500,000. So my view a Sports Hall it is (with library added).

Paul Butler

Thu 4 May 2017, 21:39

Tony asks a simple question, I would be interested to know why the town council took the decision to vote and how they considered or canvassed opinion beforehand. Additionally does their view count in naming the building? Peculiar use of time hen there may be more important problems to focus upon.

Tony Morgan

Thu 4 May 2017, 21:32

I should have known that a serious question as to why the town council thought a name change was appropriate after 20 years and with everything committed would bring out the whingers Maybe the site should have been left derelict as the town council did 20 years ago when Beechcroft and Hartwells took significant money out of the town I repeat my request for the relevant councillors to explain rhemselves

Andrew Chapman

Thu 4 May 2017, 20:22 (last edited on Thu 4 May 2017, 20:25)

I was already under the impression it's known affectionately as the Tin Shed. Which would dovetail nicely with the Shed and the Old Shed. Perhaps we can persuade the forthcoming Market Street deli to be the New Shed?

Jody O'Reilly

Thu 4 May 2017, 20:15

Public polling might result in a sweep win of the 'Boaty McBoatface' type!

Personally the Charlbury Community Centre seems just about right to me.

John Lanyon

Thu 4 May 2017, 19:57

The question of names is an interesting one. There are many examples where the public decide the name of significant buildings like The Shard, The Cheese Grater, The Walkietalkie and The Gherkin. I await with excitement the name the public will choose for this structure, with due irreverence to any kind of officialdom.

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Thu 4 May 2017, 19:49

Oh Tony really ? why so much negativity in your comments ? ok let me rephrase my question do the town council have any suggestions in consideration for a new name for our gorgeous new building which has transformed the derelict land at the spendlove centre, if so, will we as tax payers get a chance to vote on the said new name suggestions or will the town council ask for suggestions to be submitted ?
Now I thought I would ask this as you seem to have omitted this in you original question.

Tony Morgan

Thu 4 May 2017, 19:25 (last edited on Thu 4 May 2017, 19:26)

This thread is not meant to be another excuse for negativity by the minority. It is to ask the proposer and seconder of the town council resolution to explain their reasoning and timing It is the least that the group of trustees deserve having turned the derelict land left by the town council 20 years ago into a fanctastic facility for charlbury

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Thu 4 May 2017, 19:06 (last edited on Thu 4 May 2017, 19:08)

Oh Richard how could you say such a thing you know I'm very Fond of this new thingy thing :-)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 4 May 2017, 19:03

I'm not sure your suggested names would be printable Tim. :)

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Thu 4 May 2017, 18:59 (last edited on Thu 4 May 2017, 19:03)

Are they taking suggestions on the new name Richard ?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 4 May 2017, 18:34

I've always thought it was a sports hall, plus a relocated library. A community centre would be more than that, surely. Like the new village hall in Finstock.

Pearl Manners

Thu 4 May 2017, 17:17

Oh right,Thank you Richard.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 4 May 2017, 17:10

The minutes won't be published yet I think - they're only published after they've been approved at the following meeting.

Pearl Manners

Thu 4 May 2017, 16:57 (last edited on Thu 4 May 2017, 16:58)

Absolutely Richard. Where can we find the minutes of last meeting please as they don't appear to be there if click on Town Council previous meetings, just the agenda.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 4 May 2017, 16:43

(I spoke and voted against the motion for a name change so I'll leave this for someone else to answer! Personally I think the Charlbury Community Centre name is fine.)

Tony Morgan

Thu 4 May 2017, 15:27 (last edited on Thu 4 May 2017, 15:28)

I understand that at their last meeting the town council voted against using the name 'Charlbury Community Centre' for the new building
I would like to ask the elected councillors to answer the following questions

1 WHY???

2 'If' there is a reason for their vote why wait until the Centre is nearly finished & the expenditure for the signage is committed

3 Could the town council reveal the number of Charlbury residents who have raised the question of the name with them, leading to this somewhat 'unusual' use of their elected position

4 Are the Town Council proposing to fund the costs of a name change at this late stage

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