Rather naughty election leaflet

Michael Flanagan

Fri 5 May 2017, 11:25

And look where it got them...

Witney Tories: PLEASE disregard Richard's advice. Your current promotional team are doing a fantastic job for Liz. You've GOT to keep them

Michael Flanagan

Fri 5 May 2017, 05:31

At least one Tory teller yesterday was openly boasting how clever that monumentally stupid and self-destructive leaflet was.

Whom the gods wish to destroy, they clearly first make mad.

Hamish Nichol

Fri 5 May 2017, 01:02

Chris: Trying to get the Tory candidate into trouble? You know the tellers aren't allowed to give such information :-)

Charlie M

Thu 4 May 2017, 13:15

If Rose is so "committed to Charlbury", then why has he never been to my door, and why do I not have a clue what he looks like?! But I fear that elections have always had a large proportion of "smear" about them; I can remember many years ago when Auberon Waugh stood against Jeremy Thorpe, and Thorpe took out an injunction to ban Waugh's election literature.
Despite one's politics, there is no doubt that Liz Leffman is regarded highly for her work for this community ... DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 4 May 2017, 13:13

They didn't dare deliver to me. They have to walk down the garden so are rather exposed, and it's a long retreat to the road. The last Tory canvasser to call listened to my explanation of why I would not be voting for his candidate while he legged it up to the gate. So I haven't seen it either!

Heather Williams

Thu 4 May 2017, 12:27

Desperate times, desperate measures.

Chris Tatton

Thu 4 May 2017, 12:11

The Tory teller might be able to show you a copy.

Pearl Manners

Thu 4 May 2017, 09:51

I don't appear to have had that leaflet will there be one at the Hall today?

Chris Tatton

Thu 4 May 2017, 08:40

Rather an unpleasant leaflet from the candidate from Milton under wychwood, all seems rather distasteful and desperate.

Jim Holah

Wed 3 May 2017, 18:32

Quite agree Richard, an unsavoury message

Simon Walker

Wed 3 May 2017, 18:15

Hear hear! We also felt that Rodney's leaflet is out of order.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 3 May 2017, 17:58

It's the County Council elections tomorrow and like everyone else we've had the requisite amount of bumf through the door. All's fair in love, war and local elections, but the latest Conservative leaflet did take me rather aback.

It was contrasting the Conservative candidate (Rodney Rose) with the Lib Dem (Liz Leffman) and asked "Are the Lib Dems really committed to Charlbury? Rodney Rose certainly is."

The insinuation that Liz isn't committed to Charlbury is really out of order and doesn't tally with my experience. As an example, both district councillors (including Liz) and county councillors (Rodney) are invited to address bi-monthly Charlbury Town Council meetings. I took a quick tally of attendance in 2015 and 2016 and Liz was at 9 such meetings, Rodney at 6. Liz does also often attend the meetings on other months even though she's not invited to speak at them. I realise Rodney is busy as deputy leader of the County Council and chairman of the (excellent) East-West Rail project, which is inevitably going to conflict with parish duties, but that does make the leaflet rather naughty.

I like both Liz and Rodney and am sure we'll have a good county councillor whatever happens tomorrow. But I'd suggest Rodney fires his leaflet-writing team, or at least confines them to the mean streets of his home village of Milton-under-Wychwood.

Good luck to everyone standing for election tomorrow.

Richard (writing in a strictly personal capacity!)

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