Green Waste Collection

Philip Ambrose

Thu 6 Apr 2017, 21:22

Further to my previous posting, my garden waste bin was eventually collected one week late after FOUR phone calls to WODC! No real explanation as to why such a delay, but credit due to WODC Customer Services for following up with a phone call once completed.

Stephen has a good point in suggesting that WODC could broadcast a message if collection deferred in a particular parish / ward due to vehicle breakdown or similar.

Hans Eriksson

Mon 27 Mar 2017, 14:20

Still waiting for mine to be collected. Called WODC Friday and today Monday. "Missing collection has to be reported within 48 hours". No good if you are away, as we were.

Rosemary Bennett

Mon 27 Mar 2017, 13:17

Hannen, I think the number is unique.

Philip Ambrose

Thu 23 Mar 2017, 23:09

Still waiting for mine to be collected despite TWO phone calls to WODC. Not impressed!

Hannen Beith

Wed 22 Mar 2017, 15:10

Thanks Stephen!

Stephen Andrews

Wed 22 Mar 2017, 10:20

Hannen - extract from WODC FAQ:
What happens if my bin is damaged/stolen? If your bin has been stolen, you should report it to the police. A replacement bin and licence is issued free of charge on production of a Crime Reference Number

Stephen Andrews

Wed 22 Mar 2017, 09:38

Heather, I knew about the WODC link - I have used it when one of my individual bins has been missed - it is when there is a more general problem that I think can be addressed more efficiently.

Hannen Beith

Wed 22 Mar 2017, 09:29

We got our Licence yesterday. Now, call me an old cynic if you want, but what's to stop someone nicking our bin? There is a number on it beginning 0078 - is that unique to us?

Heather Donegan

Wed 22 Mar 2017, 08:54
There's a link on this page to report a missing collection.

Liz Leffman

Wed 22 Mar 2017, 08:53

A good point, and one I will raise.

Stephen Andrews

Wed 22 Mar 2017, 08:24 (last edited on Wed 22 Mar 2017, 08:32)

Finally collected today at 6:30am.

Assuming someone in WODC knows that something like this has happens, it would be good for them to have some sort of public link on their website to easily report and acknowledge the occurrence where a whole street has been missed - the site could also be used to note overflowing recycling bins and un-emptied dog waste bins rather than rely on local councillors to raise matters on a regular basis.

Liz Leffman

Tue 21 Mar 2017, 21:38

I have written to officers to ask them to sort this as quite a few were missed

Bob Khosa

Tue 21 Mar 2017, 20:50

We've had occasions where bins get collected a day later than normal. Ours was not collected today, so left it out assuming it'll happen tomorrow.

Licence came through the post today (effective from April).

Pearl Manners

Tue 21 Mar 2017, 20:08 (last edited on Tue 21 Mar 2017, 20:09)

Ours has been collected today Stephen.

Stephen Andrews

Tue 21 Mar 2017, 19:46

Anyone know why the Green Waste bins have not been collected today? I have coughed up my £30/bin and note that the licences are supposed to go out this week.

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