Disabled parking outside the Coop

Paul Taylor

Sun 2 Apr 2017, 16:33

I was interested in the reason why a Silver Citroen Picasso was sat on the double yellow lines the driver told Me it's because he works for the council and cleans the toilets there even as he wasn't on council business and was shopping at the time.

Pearl Manners

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 21:35 (last edited on Wed 29 Mar 2017, 21:36)

Whilst driving around Charlbury trying get a parking place this afternoon I noticed the Traffic Warden was very active.

Leah Fowler

Wed 29 Mar 2017, 11:48

Saw the traffic warden this morning, he said to phone West Oxfordshire District Council ask for community and ask them to contact Traffic Warden, he said that he would try and come, probably not much use for COOP, but might be OK for Market St

Tony H Merry

Tue 28 Mar 2017, 23:57

Exactly Leah I would be in favour of a name and shame campaign with ph otos of offenders

Leah Fowler

Tue 28 Mar 2017, 19:26

There was a Ferrari parked in the Disabled Parking place in Market Street this morning for some considerable time,no disabled permit. I understand the man involved is from Soho at Great Tew. Why didn't I take his number!!

michele marietta

Tue 28 Mar 2017, 13:45

Hey Amanda. :) It's something I feel strongly about. And for those of us who are able, the extra few steps going from the car park to the front door of the coop would do us good!!

Amanda Epps

Sat 11 Mar 2017, 11:46

Many thank to Michele Marietta for drawing attention to the continual illegal parking in the disabled bay. As one of those who need it, it is so frustrating to get there and find it is being used by some thoughtless person. I always hope that if one day they are in true need of it (not because they are too idle to walk from the car park) someone does the same to them.

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