Brian Murray

Thu 9 Mar 2017, 18:28

Hello James,

Thanks for your response on the Forum. I'll send a message to you privately, via the Charlbury website.


Thu 9 Mar 2017, 16:33

Can you please furnish me with the name of the articulated lorry, if it was for BEARD. I am sure that I can then deal with it.

Brian, could you also please tell the local traffic not to speed when in the spendlove centre, it is a cause of concern to all my visiting workmen.
Kind regards


Paul Taylor

Thu 9 Mar 2017, 16:16

Trouble is clear signage and a driver that knows best dont mix I have just followed a concrete mixer from the direction of Burford over the river bridge into Charlbury he clearly ignored the signs but his boss knows now and can clearly see on his tracker. Driver clearly not taking any notice

Brian Murray

Thu 9 Mar 2017, 14:22

Following an articulated low loader getting stuck at the Playing Close for over an hour this morning, and my not having any contact details for Beard's site manager, may I make this request via the website?

Beard,will you please immediately commission some sensible directional signs for lorries delivering to you at the Community Centre site?

Around a month ago a sign appeared by the five ways junction asking drivers to proceed via Sturt Road and The Slade etc, etc. How on earth is an out of town driver expected to know those road names or even have time to read the four or five lines when he is approaching a bend and a junction. Surely a simple 'Beard with a directional arrow' would be much easier to understand. Also a few signs 'No access to Beard' would help.

The firm building on the site in Pooles Lane have, from the outset, displayed clear signage. Please follow their example without delay.

Brian Murray

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