Gardening in Charlbury - February

Christopher Betts

Mon 20 Feb 2017, 17:08

Hello Kate,
Good question on clearing leaves from beds, I've known several different opinions on it. Try the Gardeners' Question Time on March 2? It's a maddening job, I'd grasp at any excuse not to do it. But it depends on the kind of leaves. We had a magnolia grandiflora and a walnut both of whose leaves would never rot down, so they had to be cleared, but I'd say leave the leaves (sorry) from your average shrub unless you have a really bad slug problem. And I would guess that most bulbs could take care of themselves.
Good luck
Christopher Betts

Kate Smith

Sat 18 Feb 2017, 18:10

Just spotted the first frog spawn - and a little cluster of three happy frogs!
Does anyone have any views on clearing fallen leaves off beds? Other than the time it takes and looking tidy, are there reasons to leave them or move them? I assume they may harbour slugs, but also provide a home for other wildlife. I wondered if they protect emerging bulbs from frost, or just make them more likely to be munched, and whether the extra acidity as they rot down is good for our limestone soil?

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