Charlbury Enterprise Village

Jim Clemence

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 18:32

I think we can all look forward to that. Hopefully by then someone will have had a chance to explain to officers what their new policies requiring (among other things) development to adjoin settlements and form logical complements to them mean. Not that that will be much help if by then the settlement has somehow hopped 500m over a river and railway into the AONB and logic no longer exists.

Liz Leffman

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 15:49 (last edited on Wed 15 Feb 2017, 16:02)

Once the local plan consultation is complete it will be submitted to the inspector, and hopefully approved. Once it is approved appeals will be much less likely.

Jim Clemence

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 15:43

But how long it will take for WODC to get a local plan approved and to be able to demonstrate sufficient housing supply for the plan to have effect? In the meantime the rejection of a large application almost inevitably ends in it being appealed. So the Rushy Bank planning officer's advice that there was no precedent impact because the planning committee could reject the next application was perhaps flawed...

Malcolm Biranek

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 14:21 (last edited on Wed 15 Feb 2017, 14:27)

Does not sound very entrepreneurial to me, very little in terms of units to start or run a business from or facilities to encourage business development except broadband which the "developer" has little of no control over.

"The master plan would combine housing and employment, probably with some live-work units and a community space, such as a café, with of course excellent broadband. The design and public realm would foster community living and a sense of creativity, akin to college life, street life in Shoreditch (or Jericho), or perhaps a small, rural version of Hammarby Sjöstad."

The idea of a true "Enterprise Village" of facilities to nurture entrepreneurs would be great otherwise Charlbury will become a dormitory town or a museum. It just looks like a ploy to build 50 houses and the developer must think we are very naive not to see through such proposals.

Perhaps thought should be given as to how the new community center could the used as a business hub as well as sports and entertainment. There are probably issues around this in terms of business rates, liability and the like but could perhaps generate some income to cover running costs etc?

Liz Leffman

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 12:46

Once the local plan has been approved, it is extremely unlikely that it would be considered.

Jim Clemence

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 12:19

It is not a planning application but it is a developer's proposal. Yes, it is unlikely to be included in the local plan but it is not unlikely to come forward as a planning application in some form at some point, probably sooner rather than later. Particularly if Rushy Bank proceeds allowing the developer to argue that it adjoins existing housing if not the town itself.

Liz Leffman

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 11:22

It is not a proposal, it is a response to the Local Plan and unlikely to be included.

russell robson

Tue 14 Feb 2017, 21:56

Whilst in Tobago last year we saw something possibly more suited to Charlbury. A business cottage, thatched at that. Two rooms, a photocopier and landline. They even had administration support two mornings a week!Oh, and it was next to the chocolate plantation.

Jim Clemence

Tue 14 Feb 2017, 21:20

Followers of the local plan consultation can see a new proposal by developer Bloombridge Partners for a "Charlbury Enterprise Village" on Walcot field opposite the Rushy Bank site, 50 dwellings, a microbrewery, cheese factory perhaps... "given the emergence of land next to the station". Guess there was some merit after all to the suggestion that the Rushy Bank scheme would set major precedent for development to the west of the river and railway.

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