Town Survey

Tony H Merry

Thu 16 Feb 2017, 08:00

I am in New Zealand at the moment but will chase it up when I get back

Mark Sulik

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 19:16


what happened to the survey my 2 sons did ? and why did the data not get processed ?

Meryl Smith

Wed 15 Feb 2017, 14:11 (last edited on Wed 15 Feb 2017, 14:14)

Your post is timely, Mark, as the Charlbury Community Action Plan Group (CCAPG) of the Neighbourhood Forum (CNF) is setting up a number of Follow-Up Groups to look at action that the community needs to take (with outside help, if necessary) in response to the views expressed in the survey.

We need interested local residents to come forward to lend a hand with exploring solutions and improvements that would benefit them and others in the town.

One of the Groups will focus on whether we need more facilities/activities for young people and their families and part of their job will be to identify whether further consultation is needed with young people and how best it should be done.

In view of the widespread concern expressed via the survey (and via Forum threads such as the one headed "Homes planned on the Fiveways allotments" which ran from September to December last year) to see how Charlbury can include the range of housing types that is needed, there is also a Group, "Living Well In Charlbury", which will look at whether we can learn from imaginative community-led housing projects elsewhere. (Forum posters please note.)

Further details of all the proposed Follow-Up Groups and a launch meeting for them to take place on Thursday, 16 March at 7.30 p.m. in the Memorial Hall have been posted in the Events section of this website and will be featured in the March edition of The Chronicle.

I look forward to seeing you and other interested residents then!

In the meantime, anyone interested in joining a Group can let me know by emailing me via this Forum thread, as an alternative to using the CNF email address:

Tony H Merry

Tue 14 Feb 2017, 21:55

No we are going to have to do a new survey for under 16s and will arrange a meeting with some in the spring. If anyone can help with this or have children who are interested in doing this please let usknow

Mark Sulik

Tue 14 Feb 2017, 17:21

i know the old thread got moved , anyone able to inform if the data for the under 16's ever got processed ???

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