Disappearing Act

Lee Belcher

Tue 7 Feb 2017, 12:56

No, not the wind--it was extremely well fastened down with loops around the legs. If the wind had taken it the chair would have had to be blown over or at least moved, and it was still snugly packed among the flowerpots.

James Styring

Sun 5 Feb 2017, 16:19

Could the wind have taken it?

Lee Belcher

Sun 5 Feb 2017, 15:35

On either Friday or Saturday morning someone came into my garden and removed a good-quality waterproof cover from a wicker garden armchair. To do this they would have had to climb over a fence beause there is no other way in to our out of the area. I really find it difficult to believe that anyone could or would want to do such a thing. Nothing else was taken that I can see, however, but that doesn't lessen my distress.

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