New - The Charlbury Blues Workshop

Simon Fenn

Fri 3 Feb 2017, 11:17

Musicians and music lovers, may we draw your attention please to a new, monthly (we hope) event, The Charlbury Blues Workshop.

It takes place in the Shed and we hope that, like the Charlbury Speakeasy, the Youth Theatre and other events, it will help support The Shed as a performance venue and an asset to the town.

The first session will be on Monday 7th March and it's advertised in the Events section of the website with times, contact details etc. However, it's a new experiment and we'd be glad to see your thoughts or questions, if you have any, here on the Forum.

"Whether you're a regular singer or player or whether you just fancy having a go at the blues, come and see what's happening.

This month we'll be playing "Sweet Home Chicago" and "Rock Me Baby".

Bring your instrument or your voice and if you feel like it you can join in with the "house band" and have a jam! It's totally informal and of course totally cool. Come and find out!"

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