Peter Kenrick |
Fri 3 Feb 2017, 17:48 Helen: No you weren't asleep, publicity for this session in the library was very poor and I reported that back at the event. I wasn't the only one to do so! Richard did publicise it on this website as soon as any of us got to hear about it. However, it is not too late! There is still plenty time to find out more about the proposal and to provide feedback. Go to for details and to respond. Any feedback will be passed to all county councillors and the proposals will be cosidered by the OCC cabinet on 14th March. There are also still a number of other "public engagement" sessions in libraries that you CAN go to. These are listed on the website and include Eynsham (8th 13:00-15:30), Chipping Norton (10th 10:00-14:00), Wychwood (15th 14:00-16:30) and Burford (21st 17:00-19:00) |
Helen Bessemer-Clark |
Fri 3 Feb 2017, 12:07 How much advance warning did we get about this meeting. As someone who only looks at the web once or twice a week, I had heard nothing about it. Was it posted on the Notice Board - on a matter as important as this, I feel we should have had some leaflet drops from OCC. Or have I been asleep? ! Helen BC |
Nancy Whitfield |
Wed 1 Feb 2017, 21:04 The town councils need to look to other counties, that have successfully re-organised already, like Cornwall, to learn from their experiences, both good and bad, to this major change to local government. I have already expressed my feelings, that if OCC can not organise to tell anyone in Charlbury about any of their plans for the future of local government, then I'm afraid their library drop-ins so we can all "have our say", will also fail. |
Kate Smith |
Wed 1 Feb 2017, 09:41 And another interesting article opposing the idea of the super council here from Cllr James Mills Leader of West Oxfordshire District Council. One consequence would be losing free parking throughout WODC area. |
Nancy Whitfield |
Mon 30 Jan 2017, 20:56 At the Library this afternoon there were interesting discussions about the new plans for a "super council". Here is an interesting article in the Oxford Mail dated today January 30th. Of note for Charlbury residents, this councillor feels that the local government plans need to empower the actual communities at parish/town council level. This is good news indeed. |
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